Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Today's Brilliance; 03/31/10

It is what it is - if you have strong faith that your life has a purpose than just be. ~Craig Handley

Craig Handley
Craig is the CEO of Listen Up Espanol and the owner of Revenue Enhancement.
If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...
My advice to help you today is to share with you a truth that you need to "buy into" in order to reach your dreams.
Success is something that happens by turning a wheel a little bit at a time. To turn the wheel you need strong people and smart people, night owls and early birds, starters and finishers... all working together. I'm a great networker. I am not great at working out all the detail after detail needed sometimes to get a great idea executed. I had to find my polar opposite in order to be successful. You will need to overcome several challenges. Do you have the right team? What are your strengths and who on your team does the things you struggle with, the things you dislike doing?Speaking of challenges, how is your faith? There are churchgoers - people who say they're religious, and this may be controversial, but being religious and having faith are two completely different things. When times get tough do you have the strength to exchange your ...
Read More of Today's Brilliance >>

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