Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Unstoppable People -Cynthia Kersey

Inspired Quote of the Day

The best way to predict the future is to create it. ~ Peter Drucker

Today's Brilliance

Cynthia Kersey

Cynthia Kersey

The author of Unstoppable and Unstoppable Women, Cynthia is raising $1m to build schools in Africa as part of her work in the Unstoppable Foundation.

If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...

I've been writing about Unstoppable people for well over a decade and what I've found is that living an unstoppable life always involves giving. People who give and are involved in a purpose that is greater than themselves are the happiest people and live the richest and most meaningful lives imaginable.

I have definitely experienced that in my own life and have found that nothing that I do gives me greater joy than when I am in service to others. I've been blessed to be a part of many service projects around the world and in November, 2006, I had an experience that has taken my calling to do this work to a whole new level.

In November, 2006, I went to Africa with 40 women from North America to attend a first-ever Grassroots African Women's Conference in Bondo, Kenya. We were greeted by 440+ rural East African Women who were there for the conference as well and each night we laughed, danced and sang together as we connected with each other as sisters.

During the d...

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Monday, November 29, 2010

To better see the eyes do not expand they contract; these days are darker but a thousand fold the light they extract. ~Yossi Ghinsberg

Inspired Quote of the Day

To better see the eyes do not expand they contract; these days are darker but a thousand fold the light they extract. ~Yossi Ghinsberg

Today's Brilliance

Yossi Ghinsberg

Yossi Ghinsberg

Yossi is a motivational speaker and the author of new book Laws of the Jungle.

If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...

The Traveler in Time

There was that search for meaning, that longing, the perpetual longing. How would I make sense to myself? My eventful life never seemed to stop until I just couldn't cope with all its ups and downs. I had successes and failures; I sensed deep love and then the inevitable separation that followed. There was no sanctuary, no peace, no place to call home. I wondered: is my life controlled by me or am I subject to the whims of events beyond my control? One day I felt great and the next I was depressed. My confusion yielded a search and my despair helped me find answers that were ready-made, packed and arranged. The illusion that now I belonged was so soothing. Safety, I cried, just give me safety for fear begat my soul, fear became my master. So they came and they sold me their god, nicely wrapped with a book of laws. I wanted to believe in whatever they told me and so they sold me their stale teaching and their regurgitated news, they told me who to...

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Sunday, November 28, 2010

Achieving world peace begins with each of us taking the steps necessary to reach a place of inner peace by loving and empowering ourselves. ~Carol Han

Inspired Quote of the Day

Achieving world peace begins with each of us taking the steps necessary to reach a place of inner peace by loving and empowering ourselves. ~Carol Hansen Grey

Today's Brilliance

Carol Hansen Grey

Carol Hansen Grey

Carol is a publicher and author of newest book Simple Healing Tools on the Path to Personal Empowerment and Inner Peace.

If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...

1. Be Yourself

Each of us has come into this world with a set of unique gifts: talents, interests, and abilities. It is only when we tap into those gifts and share them with the world that we truly become empowered. Give the world your greatest gift -- Be Yourself!

2. Trust Yourself

We each have an inner voice that is there to give us guidance. All we need do is ask and we will be shown our next empowering step. Listen to your inner guidance and learn to trust yourself.

3. Believe in Yourself

When we have doubts about our abilities, we simply need to ask to have the thoughts transformed that are limiting us from being the full expression of our magnificence. This opens the door to personal empowerment.

4. Know Yourself

We often know others better than we know our own self. True empowerment comes from taking the time to examine all aspects of ourselves and then move in the direction of those aspects that bring us joy and fulfillment.


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Saturday, November 27, 2010

Whatever your circumstances, never underestimate your ability to impact others. ~Aly and Andrea

Inspired Quote of the Day

Whatever your circumstances, never underestimate your ability to impact others. ~Aly and Andrea

Today's Brilliance

Aly and Andrea

Aly and Andrea

Aly and Andrea are identical twins who are the founders of Rock Star U, helping others to discover personal growth and fulfillment.

If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...

"They'll never make it through the night."

That's what the doctors proclaimed when we were born. As identical twins, born nearly three months premature and weighing just two pounds each, that seemed appropriate, right? They read our last rites and waited.

Nearly four decades later, they must still be waiting. Both of us, Aly and Andrea, weigh just slightly more than two pounds now (smirk), and we have had a lifetime to live with gratitude that we actually did "make it through the night." The road was not an easy one, though. Andrea lost most of her vision when she received too much oxygen in the incubator. She has only known a life totally blind in one eye, and severely limited in the other. Together, we faced a childhood with traumatic divorce, great rejection, poverty, and later, at age 27, Andrea faced kidney cancer. We have also had great joy as World Champion athletes, authors, speakers, international business owner, commercial actress, Olympic ...

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Friday, November 26, 2010

There are the dreams we have for our life and then there are the dreams life has for us. ~ Marcia Wieder

Inspired Quote of the Day

There are the dreams we have for our life and then there are the dreams life has for us. ~ Marcia Wieder

Today's Brilliance

Marcia Wieder

Marcia Wieder

Known as America's Dream Coach, Marcia is the CEO and founder of Dream University.

If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...

"Can you believe in something simply because it matters to you? Then act on it to prove you really do."

These are my Quick tips:

Set an Intention: Understand the power and importance of intention as the rudder to steer your life.

Maintain Integrity: Intention and integrity together form the key building block for manifestation. Live with integrity by keeping agreements with yourself and others. It is essential to clear up aspects from your past that can get in your way now.

Live on Purpose: Standing in your purpose, the quality of your dreams will change. Without purpose many climb to the top of the mountain, only to realize, " wrong mountain."

Access Your Dreamer: Create a dynamic relationship with the dreams that you are passionate about. Reality is an important aspect but consider what being realistic has cost you.

Learn From Your Doubter: Left unattended, this can sabotage your dreams. But when you create a powerful ...

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Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

Inspired Quote of the Day

"Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings." - William Arthur Ward

Today's Brilliance

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving

If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...

At this time of Thanksgiving, I am reminded of an experience I had a few years ago that demonstrated the overwhelming power of gratitude. I was part of a small group that gathered to assemble and distribute "goodie bags" to the needy people living in a park in Santa Monica, California. Our group met at a local shelter to fill bags with a toothbrush, toothpaste, warm socks, deodorant, a razor and other necessities.

We were putting the items into bags, when a young homeless man in his 20's walked into the room. Thinking that he was being impatient and was there to pick up a bag, one of the men asked him to please wait outside with the others.

Instead, he told us that his name was Josh, and that he wanted to help. Surprised and somewhat ashamed of ourselves, we quickly welcomed him. As we worked side by side, he proceeded to share that he'd been homeless for a few months. Just the night before, he'd been beaten and robbed of his last few dollars, his co...

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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Love more, think less. The only law is love. -Chavah Aima

Inspired Quote of the Day

You are the source of all that exists around you; you are the creator of your own world. ~Osho

Today's Brilliance

Chavah Aima

Chavah Aima

Chavah is the founder of Enlightened Life Sanctuary, and author of book Living Light: The 21-Day Alchemical Regeneration Plan.

If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...

Love more, think less. The only law is love. Do not ask for love; give it. Love is strengthened when we love those who are difficult to love. Perfection is not in the future; it is now. Imperfection indicates a lack of love. The attainment of this wisdom is experiential. Love is not mental. States of ecstasy, love and bliss immerse you in your true nature.

By shifting your identity to spirit, all desires are instantly fulfilled. Your wise and loving spirit has set out upon a great journey in life. In the process the spirit took on a mind, a body and a lot of desire. The body-mind subtly became the identity, and life focused on fulfilling many desires. The spirit stood by quietly, watching life unfold, and waiting for the body-mind to realize the truth: Without spirit, there is no end to desires and the work required to fulfill them. The most important thing you can do in your life is to become the spiritual Self.

There is nothing wrong with the world ...

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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Going through life's challenges and you don't see a way out? Take out your life "Etch A Sketch" shake it up, then d

Inspired Quote of the Day

Going through life's challenges and you don't see a way out? Take out your life "Etch A Sketch" shake it up, then design a new way out! ~Jim Smith, Jr.

Today's Brilliance

Jim Smith, Jr.

Jim Smith, Jr.

Jim is a highly sought-after trainer and power speaker, as well as the president and CEO of JIMPACT Enterprises, Inc.

If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...

It's Your Choice

Have you heard these sayings before?

• "You'll keep getting what you're getting as long as you keep doing what you're doing!"
• "The insanity principle is doing the same thing but expecting different results!"
• "If nothing changes, nothing changes!"

These statements all pertain to personal power reinventing oneself and change. More importantly, they all pertain to choice. You have to choose to change YOU.

Throughout my life, from childhood through college, corporate career to business owner, wedding day to divorce court, I've encountered people who were in situations they loathed but, for whatever reason, chose not to change how they responded to or viewed the situation. In most instances, the situation or circumstances never changed and neither did the people because most of them kept expecting the circumstances to change. We have to be the change.

Would you agree that most people...

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Monday, November 22, 2010

You can be, have, or achieve anything you desire as soon as you decide to be, have, or achieve it. It's your choice. ~Alan Underkofler

Inspired Quote of the Day

You can be, have, or achieve anything you desire as soon as you decide to be, have, or achieve it. It's your choice. ~Alan Underkofler

Today's Brilliance

Alan Underkofler

Alan Underkofler

Alan left the corporate dream job to follow his dream! Alan is the founder of Follow Up Success and the co-founder of Square Martini Media.

If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...

Identify what you want, what you want achieve, and what your dream is. Not just any dream, identify your burning desire; the one dream you may or may not think is attainable. The one dream that no matter what someone says or does, no matter what obstacle is placed in front of you, and no matter how long it takes, you will achieve. Identify the one dream you MUST achieve for you!

We all have one, some of us have two, and others have many... Identify one.

And then do whatever it takes to achieve it! Whatever it takes, go back to school, borrow money, ask for help, beg your friends to support you, fail, fail again, and fail twenty more times. Just keep going, keep going after your dream. Remember this is the one dream you identified! This is what makes you.... You! And no matter what happens, no matter how long it takes, it's worth it, because this is your one dream!

And once achieved, once you have completed your journey, look around... Enjoy the moment ...

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Sunday, November 21, 2010

Create consciously, love unconditionally, live joyously! ~Jillian Coleman Wheeler

Inspired Quote of the Day

Create consciously, love unconditionally, live joyously! ~Jillian Coleman Wheeler

Today's Brilliance

Jillian Coleman Wheeler

Jillian Coleman Wheeler

Jillian is an author, speaker, grants and business consultant.

If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...

The Meaning of Life

Sooner or later, almost everyone asks the existential question: Why am I here? I believe we as human beings share a common purpose, but each of us also has an individual mission in life.

Our common purpose is three-fold. We're here to create physical reality, to channel pure love and to experience joy.

In the beginning was God. Or Spirit. Or Source. Or as the physicists might say, the Unified Field. In actuality, we as human beings cannot begin to approach any real understanding of the reality behind the concept, so it doesn't make much difference which words we use.

God is pure energy, a constant flow of loving creativity and intelligence. Each of us is energy projected by God, made in God's image. If you think of God as the ocean, each of us is a wave, individual and yet part of the whole. Like God, we are infinitely creative, although we rarely understand our own power.

We are constantly creating every facet of our existence. We ...

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Saturday, November 20, 2010

Love really isn't love unless it's unconditional. ~Koda

Inspired Quote of the Day

Love really isn't love unless it's unconditional. ~Koda

Today's Brilliance

Koda, The Wonder Dog

Koda, The Wonder Dog

Koda is the wise mentor and hiking companion of Gail Lynne Goodwin, the founder of InspireMeToday.com. He's also a 2-yr old Samoyed pup.

If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...

From watching Koda for the last two years, these are things that he would share with you if he could write....

You'll get much more from tail wags and licks than you ever will from barks and bites.

Be persistent and you'll usually get what you want.

If we weren't supposed to play in mud puddles they wouldn't exist.

Happiness and love are the only things that matter.

Few things in life are as good as a long cool drink of water or a back rub.

When someone tells you "You're beautiful", just smile, knowing they're really seeing a part of themselves in you.

Knowing that all of the answers to all life's questions are already inside us all, sometimes silence really is the best answer.

Honor our differences. Just because I run after a stick doesn't mean I'm going to bring it back anymore than you could expect a retriever to pull a sled. Recognize and appreciate our individual talents.

Enthusiasm can overcome fear in almost an...

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Friday, November 19, 2010

Be the Nancyest of Nancys or the Janest of Janes or the Billyest of Billys. ~Lissa Rankin

Inspired Quote of the Day

If you hold on to the handle, it's easier to maintain the illusion of control. But it's more fun if you just let the wind carry you. ~Brian Andreas

Today's Brilliance

Lissa Rankin

Lissa Rankin

Lissa is a physician, an author, an artist and the founder of Owning Pink, a website devoted to community and empowerment for women.

If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...

Strive to be all you, all the time. Be the Nancyest of Nancys or the Janest of Janes or the Billyest of Billys. Are you so busy wearing masks that you've lost touch with your authentic core? Don't judge the real YOU. Just OWN it, love it, express it, BE it.

Change can be scary as hell, but it can also be transforming. Go with the flow of the Universe and be willing to allow change into your life, even when it feels uncomfortable.

How would you live if you took fear out of the equation? Are the fears you have meant to protect you or limit you? Surrender your fears to make room for possibility.

Give to others with no expectation of receiving anything in return. Not only will it bring you joy, but it gives you the power to change someone's life.

Become a student of life. Keep your mind open, seek the truth, get out of your box, cross barriers, and keep your eyes peeled for growth opportunities.

What would you say if you didn't care what anyone thought? W...

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Thursday, November 18, 2010

Your past does not define your future - your actions and beliefs do. ~Linda Joy

Inspired Quote of the Day

Your past does not define your future - your actions and beliefs do. ~Linda Joy

Today's Brilliance

Linda Joy

Linda Joy

Linda is an Inspirational Publisher, speaker and Conscious Business Catalyst.

If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...

To Love fully. Laugh daily. Be silly. Embrace your dreams! Feel gratitude for the simplest of pleasures. Discover the beauty of silence. Spend quiet time alone each day. Live from your heart not your head. Keep a gratitude journal. Be an inspiration to others. Shine your light for others to follow. Be more -do less. Release fear. Allow yourself to receive the blessings of life. Living a joyful life is a choice - choose wisely. Release the shackles of self-judgment.

Step outside your comfort zone. Take baby steps each day toward the life of your dreams. Believe in the truth that anything is truly possible - because it IS! Discover the wisdom within! Be prepared for life's curveballs and remember to duck. Remember that you are not your past or your mistakes. Release the mistakes of the past and carry forward only the lessons they contain. You have the power to rewrite your story at any time. Journal daily.

Surround yourself with those who honor the best in ...

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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

"Unarmed but Dangerous" ~Tawana Williams

Inspired Quote of the Day

Many of life's failures are men who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up. ~ Thomas Edison

Today's Brilliance

Tawana Williams

Tawana Williams

Tawana is an inspirational speaker and the author of the book Unarmed and Dangerous.

If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...

I'm Tawana Williams, your messenger of hope and inspiration, I've overcome the devastating adversity of being born without arms, and I can help you overcome whatever adversities you may be facing in life. That's why I consider myself to be "Unarmed but Dangerous".

"No More Excuses"

What are some of the things that have happened to you that you've allowed to defeat you, control you, stop you, or to define who you really are? Whatever those things are, get ready to remove them. It's time to live a no excuse lifestyle. What are some of your excuses? Could it be your job, your mate, your family or friends, your finances, your children, or is it simply YOU?

Ladies and Gentlemen: Your life is in your hands, you are the keeper of your life. It's now up to you, because, I found that everything starts in the mind. Every book that's been written, every choice that's been made, every business that's been started, every invention that's been invented, all...

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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Everyone is looking for "happiness with no sorrow" or peace of mind, but most people are looking for this outside themselves. ~Larry Crane

Inspired Quote of the Day

The more we develop love, the more we come in touch with the harmony of the universe, the more delightful our life becomes, the more beautiful, the more everything. It starts a cycle going in which you spin upward. ~Lester Levenson

Today's Brilliance

Larry Crane

Larry Crane

Larry is a self-made millionare, a teacher and the author of The Release Technique.

If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...

Everyone is looking for "happiness with no sorrow" or peace of mind, but most people are looking for this outside themselves. They are looking for it in someone, in some thing, in making money, being a big shot, having possessions. Unfortunately, it is impossible to find peace of mind that way. Take it for checking. Take a look at somebody who is powerful, who is monetarily successful. How happy are they? How satisfied are they? Do they really have peace of mind?

Let's take a look at those individuals who are trying to get happiness and peace of mind from a relationship. Does that relationship give peace of mind? Take a check and see if you have happiness with no sorrow, peace of mind, and where you are looking for it. Are you seeking it in a person who is unhappy or relatively unhappy? You must go inside yourself in order to find peace of mind and happiness. By unloading your limitations, you will discover that you are already unlimited and you can do anything you w...

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Monday, November 15, 2010

Your success is seen and is already being experienced on a higher level. All you need to do is feel good to line up with it. ~Angela Bear

Inspired Quote of the Day

Your success is seen and is already being experienced on a higher level. All you need to do is feel good to line up with it. ~Angela Bear

Today's Brilliance

Angela Bear

Angela Bear

Angela is a spiritual business trainer from the Isle of Wight in England.

If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...

All of life comes to me with ease, joy and glory.

What I have learned is that we are all infinite beings with infinite power, abilities and access to infinite amounts of love.

Look at nature and see how abundant it is, with plants, trees, birds, flies, animals abound. The same amount of abundance is available to each and every one of us.

We are all infinite beings, we are equal, not better than, not worse than, but we all still have a unique essence (flavor). As an individual you matter. You add something to the mix called life that only you can add. Honor that. Honor you. Know with every fiber of your being that you are valued and loved beyond words.

The best thing you can do for anyone, including yourself, is to adore you, your body, and your life. Adoring yourself will allow you to receive the greatness of who you really be. Through being that greatness of who you truly be you will positively effect your environment just by breathing.

What is your j...

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Sunday, November 14, 2010

If I were able to pass on anything I'd learned to the world it would be these 4 points: ~Kirsty Dunphey

Inspired Quote of the Day

The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings. ~ Eric Hoffer

Today's Brilliance

Kirsty Dunphey

Kirsty Dunphey

Kirsty is an incredibly successful entrepreneur, a self-made millionaire at 23, a multimillionaire at 25, and retiring at 27.

If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...

If I were able to pass on anything I'd learned to the world it would be these 4 points:

1. Life can be fleeting, regret the things you've done, not those you didn't do.

Recently I've lost friends who were 42 and 33 years old who were amazing people whose lives ended way too quickly. Whether I live to 33 or 133 though, I want to be able to look back on my life on my last day here on this Earth and say that I tried everything I wanted to try. I had a go, I gave it my all. I'd rather have done things that I regretted, than be left with the regret of inaction on my last day.

2. No-one person on this earth has more time than you.

I admire so many amazing people, but when their achievements get overwhelming I need to remind myself that no matter who they are, they've got exactly the same amount of time each day as I do, 24 hours a day, 525,600 minutes in a year. What I chose to do with ...

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