The beauty of a brilliant idea lies in what isn't there, because what isn't there can often trump what is. ~Matthew May

Matthew May
Matthew is an internationally recognized expert on change, innovation and design strategy, and the author of The Shibumi Strategy.
If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...
There are times in life when if fortunate we experience a moment of utter clarity. We feel wide awake and connected and balanced: everything makes sense, we know exactly who we are, what we want, and why we're here. In that moment, be it one blink or a thousand, our effectiveness is maximal. And yet our actions seem minimal, effortless even, and the experience is consummately satisfying.
These are breakthrough moments. These are moments of shibumi.
Shibumi is a Japanese word, the meaning of which is reserved for just these kinds of experiences. With roots in the Zen aesthetic ideals of art, architecture, and gardening, it has come to denote those things that exhibit in paradox and all at once the very best of everything and nothing: Elegant simplicity. Effortless effectiveness. Understated excellence. Beautiful imperfection.
Sometimes these moments of shibumi register in our consciousness. Yet when they do, we don't really search for an explanation, think about a d...
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