To better see the eyes do not expand they contract; these days are darker but a thousand fold the light they extract. ~Yossi Ghinsberg

Yossi Ghinsberg
Yossi is a motivational speaker and the author of new book Laws of the Jungle.
If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...
The Traveler in Time
There was that search for meaning, that longing, the perpetual longing. How would I make sense to myself? My eventful life never seemed to stop until I just couldn't cope with all its ups and downs. I had successes and failures; I sensed deep love and then the inevitable separation that followed. There was no sanctuary, no peace, no place to call home. I wondered: is my life controlled by me or am I subject to the whims of events beyond my control? One day I felt great and the next I was depressed. My confusion yielded a search and my despair helped me find answers that were ready-made, packed and arranged. The illusion that now I belonged was so soothing. Safety, I cried, just give me safety for fear begat my soul, fear became my master. So they came and they sold me their god, nicely wrapped with a book of laws. I wanted to believe in whatever they told me and so they sold me their stale teaching and their regurgitated news, they told me who to...
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