You are the source of all that exists around you; you are the creator of your own world. ~Osho

Chavah Aima
Chavah is the founder of Enlightened Life Sanctuary, and author of book Living Light: The 21-Day Alchemical Regeneration Plan.
If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...
Love more, think less. The only law is love. Do not ask for love; give it. Love is strengthened when we love those who are difficult to love. Perfection is not in the future; it is now. Imperfection indicates a lack of love. The attainment of this wisdom is experiential. Love is not mental. States of ecstasy, love and bliss immerse you in your true nature.
By shifting your identity to spirit, all desires are instantly fulfilled. Your wise and loving spirit has set out upon a great journey in life. In the process the spirit took on a mind, a body and a lot of desire. The body-mind subtly became the identity, and life focused on fulfilling many desires. The spirit stood by quietly, watching life unfold, and waiting for the body-mind to realize the truth: Without spirit, there is no end to desires and the work required to fulfill them. The most important thing you can do in your life is to become the spiritual Self.
There is nothing wrong with the world ...
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