Your past does not define your future - your actions and beliefs do. ~Linda Joy

Linda Joy
Linda is an Inspirational Publisher, speaker and Conscious Business Catalyst.
If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...
To Love fully. Laugh daily. Be silly. Embrace your dreams! Feel gratitude for the simplest of pleasures. Discover the beauty of silence. Spend quiet time alone each day. Live from your heart not your head. Keep a gratitude journal. Be an inspiration to others. Shine your light for others to follow. Be more -do less. Release fear. Allow yourself to receive the blessings of life. Living a joyful life is a choice - choose wisely. Release the shackles of self-judgment.
Step outside your comfort zone. Take baby steps each day toward the life of your dreams. Believe in the truth that anything is truly possible - because it IS! Discover the wisdom within! Be prepared for life's curveballs and remember to duck. Remember that you are not your past or your mistakes. Release the mistakes of the past and carry forward only the lessons they contain. You have the power to rewrite your story at any time. Journal daily.
Surround yourself with those who honor the best in ...
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