The only limits we have in life are the ones we create for ourselves. ~Sara Morgan

Sara Morgan
Sara is a software developer and author of most recent book No Limits.
If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...
"Be Here Now". I first came across these words in a book about survival. The book's author noticed that people who were able to put aside their problems in the past and their fears for the future, were able to be completely in the moment. It was this ability to "Be Here Now" that allowed them to survive the most un-survivable of conditions.
A few days after reading this, I had one of those "aha" moments. It struck me that the phrase, "Be Here Now" was not only important for survival situations, but it was also useful for everyday life - especially mine. You see, for most of my blessed life, I have failed to enjoy most of my good fortune. I never lived for the moment and instead just tried to "get through" every day.
I could spend weeks or months anticipating some special event, and when the actual event occurred, I would anxiously count the seconds until it was over. Crazy, right? How could anyone both anticipate and dread the same event? It made no sense at all.
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