The energy with which you do things affects how things get done and what comes back to you. ~ Heather Dominick

Heather Dominick
Heather is the EnergyRICH Entrepreneur Success and Master Coach, creator of the EnergyRICH Success System for Entrepreneurs.
If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...
"Who Do You Think You Are?"
This wasn't so much a question as a challenge I heard throughout my early life. It came from a lot of different people. It stopped me dead in my tracks, for a long time, from honestly living the answer.
When I was 14 my mother died. I have never been able to determine if my life would have been better had she lived. I only know that it would have been different, but I always remember her believing in my ability and encouraging me to be, well, me.
Who Do You Think You Are?
Most of my life seemed to be about bumping up against this question, or at least for sure the people who were asking it. The crazy part is that on the outside there was something that would drive me to 'do things differently'- you would think that I would just shut up and fit in, right? But something bigger than me (I've come to know it as my purpose) always had me one step off/up-ahead. But inside I was dying a slow, sliding death - questioning myself,...
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