The past was once the future which we made up as we went along. If you don't like where you've been, then change where you're going! ~ Tim Hutchinson

Brittany Hutchinson
Brittany saved her best friend Natalie from being hit by a bus and became the youngest person in America to be awarded the Medal Of Valor.
If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...
(From InspireMeToday.com- Now age 10, when Brittany Hutchinson was only 5 she ran in front of a bus to save the life of her girlfriend. Badly injured herself, these are Brittany's recollections as to 'why' she did such a heroic act.)
After the bus accident I was in the emergency room, and my dad asked "What would make a girl be so brave?" Then suddenly my eyes opened, I took ahold of my daddy's hand and said to him, "You always said we were supposed to love everyone, and that's what I was doing, daddy - I was just loving her!"
All the nurses started crying after they heard that. My daddy hugged me and went into a bathroom across the hall. Later I learned that he went in there and cried too. By loving everyone we open up the doors to what's really possible in this life. Otherwise we are too closed off to each other and miss out on experiencing the wholeness of life, and the tremendous opportunities that are possible.
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