The greatest gift we give ourselves or anyone else is the quality of our attention. ~ Richard Moss

Richard Moss
Known as a catalyst for profound change, Richard is an author, visionary thinker, psychologist, teacher, mystic, former physician, and scientist.
If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...
What is it that I can give to you or you to me that brings each of us pleasure or new insight, that depletes neither of us, and that we can then pass on to others without losing anything of our own? What is it we can give to each other that improves the quality of living for both of us, and does so without exhausting the vital resources of our planet? What is it that cannot be taken from us in the way we can lose a job, our savings, or even a loved one?
This is real wealth. It is our sincere smile, the honest concern that can be read in our eyes. It is a helping hand offered and the pleasure of sharing in something that relieves another's burden. It is something of the wisdom we have garnered from our years of living offered unpretentiously and without attachment to whether it is received. It is the quality of our attention: our willingness not to judge or interpret as we listen. It is the way in which we let someone inside of us, so we can know him or her directly. Or know th...
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