Friday, March 11, 2011

Live, Love, Laugh! ~ Karon Gibson

Inspired Quote of the Day

Live, Love, Laugh! ~ Karon Gibson

Today's Brilliance

Karon Gibson

Karon Gibson

Karon is a registered nurse, an entrepreneur, a speaker, an author, and the producer of the TV program Outspoken with Karon.

If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...

What I have learned in my life and career as a Registered Nurse Entrepreneur is that life is fragile and can change in an instant.

Enjoy life, this is not a dress rehearsal.

Create your own positive events to nourish your mind. Even the strong require sustenance to survive especially when they aid the weak.

Do not expect miracles, rely on them. We have all seen turnarounds from positive life steps and direction.

Things are not always what they appear to be on the surface. Investigate. Evaluate your perceptions.

Fight back against injustice to yourself and others. Be gracious and win.

At times, we have to adapt the rules. Black and white may turn to gray.

What may appear to be the most devastating event of your career may turn out to be the best opportunity for new ventures. Time will tell.

Both action and reaction can cause positive change. Patience is a necessary trait.

Perseverance is t...

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Thursday, March 10, 2011

People who take responsibility for their lives create the reality they desire! ~ Jean Adrienne

Inspired Quote of the Day

People who take responsibility for their lives create the reality they desire! ~ Jean Adrienne

Today's Brilliance

Jean Adrienne

Jean Adrienne

Jean is a healer, teacher, lecturer and author of Reframe Your World: Conscious Living In The New Reality.

If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...

Many of us grow up with the concept that we need to prove something. The belief begins early in our lives. Baby Boomers adopted the notion upon starting school, but children today are indoctrinated as early as toddlerhood.

The need to prove worth is implied even before the child can talk clearly, and it expands as the child grows older. Therefore, the pressure on the modern teenager is incredible. No wonder the suicide rate of adolescents is so high.

The need to determine a person's value is all an illusion. It saps your energy and steals your power. In truth, we have nothing to prove. Justifying can surface in a number of ways.

For instance, do you frequently find yourself caught up in the need to explain your position to someone else? That is a form of justification. Every time we feel we have to justify anything to anyone else, we are operating from a place of fear.

Taking responsibility for your creations is the first step in releasing this need t...

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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Maximize your health while building your wealth. ~ Dr. Gaby Cora

Inspired Quote of the Day

Maximize your health while building your wealth. ~ Dr. Gaby Cora

Today's Brilliance

Dr. Gaby Cora

Dr. Gaby Cora

As the author of the Power of Wellbeing, Dr. Gaby works with people who want to be healthy while they become wealthy.

If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...

I have lived a journey of gaining knowledge, understanding, and I have learned a series of lessons. I would like to pass along ten of these lessons:

  • Know Thyself: This has been a significant lesson for me and a definite attraction for others who seek to see me. Seek to see your true self, take off your mask or veil, get rid of the noise and bring clarity, as you align your dimensions and vibrate as one.
  • Avoid herd mentality: Much of the fear many experience as a group is captured from others around. Many feel they won't be able to achieve a certain goal when others tell them this goal is impossible. Others will move together as if the world was coming to an end rather than looking inside and finding the strength within. Having that direct contact with our inner strength is of essence to follow our own knowledge rather than allowing others to guide us through the wrong path.
  • Look for ways in which you can share your wealth of knowledge, experience, and ...

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  • Monday, March 7, 2011

    Kent Lewis~ a recognized expert in internet search engine marketing

    Inspired Quote of the Day

    A smart person learns from their mistakes. A wise person learns from the mistakes of others. ~ Proverb

    Today's Brilliance

    Kent Lewis

    Kent Lewis

    Kent is a recognized expert in internet search engine marketing and has helped clients solve business problems via the internet since 1996.

    If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...

    I can distill my business philosophy based on my experiences at 10 different organizations into the 7Ps of a successful business, as outlined below.

    The number one determining factor in the success of a business is the people involved. It's all about getting the right people "on the bus" in order to create a unique, lasting company. I'm talking about those special individuals that value the relationship and see the benefits of supporting the business. In building your business, consider implementing a process and policies that identify, attract and retain "A talent" (i.e. Topgrading).

    As best stated by marketing maven Seth Godin, in order for a product or service to succeed, it must be truly remarkable. Far too often, companies tend to build products they know, rather than meeting a real need or solving a specific problem. What problem is your company solving for customers today? What problems will your...

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    Saturday, March 5, 2011

    One small gesture can change a person's life; whether it's changed for better or worse depends on the gesture we choose. ~ Krysten Moore

    Inspired Quote of the Day

    One small gesture can change a person's life; whether it's changed for better or worse depends on the gesture we choose. ~ Krysten Moore

    Today's Brilliance

    Krysten Moore

    Krysten Moore

    Kriysten is the national Bullying Prevention Spokesperson for Love Our Children USA and the founder of SHINE, Students Helping Instill New Esteem.

    If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...

    If I were to say that a lesson I learned is to be honest, I would not be lying. If someone asked if I learned compassion and humility, I would have to answer positively. If I said that dignity and self control were important, it would not be untrue. However, it is the "golden rule" - to treat others with kindness and respect - that now influences my decisions and modifies my behavior. A most valuable lesson learned early in my childhood.

    Throughout sixth and seventh grades, I was bullied by two boys who decided to use their words as weapons against me, calling me horrible names, starting rumors about me and slamming lockers in my face.

    Their words stung as if I were the recipient of a left hook to the right eye.

    At the "ripe old age" of eleven, I realized the power of vocabulary, be it positive or negative. I realized that the energy exerted to bring someone down far exceeds that needed to build someone up. I truly understood the depth of a positi...

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    Friday, March 4, 2011

    Ronnie Venable -CEO of Wealth International 101 and the founder of

    Inspired Quote of the Day

    If you want to get somewhere you have to know where you want to go and how to get there. Then never, never, never give up. ~ Norman Vincent Peale

    Today's Brilliance

    Ronnie Venable

    Ronnie Venable

    Ronnie is the CEO of Wealth International 101 and the founder of

    If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...

    Have you ever thought that you, somehow missed your turn in life and are not where you are supposed to be? Can you pinpoint that one decision or step that keeps you constantly wondering how to correct your situation or have less stress and more fun?

    Now is the time to stop looking back and understand that, as creatures of habits, we have the ability to choose and change our situations at any time!

    We all have been conditioned, through media exposure over our lifetime, to believe that winning or losing can be traced to a single play or in our case a single action. You and I have experienced the media slant so often that we unconsciously view everyday life through tinted lens. We need to remove our shades and start designing our Fantastic Lives today.

    My day start by giving thanks for another day. I'm grateful for waking with the ability to think, see, hear, smell, touch and control my body. If this is not something you do, I invite you to practice this for 30 ...

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    Thursday, March 3, 2011

    Janine Shepherd - an international speaker and an author.

    Inspired Quote of the Day

    It is good to have an end to journey toward, but it is the journey that matters in the end. ~ Ursula Le Guin

    Today's Brilliance

    Janine Shepherd

    Janine Shepherd

    Janine is an international speaker and an author.

    If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...

    I was once told that you have to give up the life you have to get the life that is waiting for you.

    Those words have stuck by me to this day and given me the strength to overcome what seemed like insurmountable obstacles in my life.

    As an elite athlete and member of the Australian ski team, my dream of representing my country at the Olympics was about to be realized.

    Then one warm autumn day I set out on a training bike ride with my fellow teammates. After riding for almost six hours and with only ten minutes to go until I reached my destination, I was hit by a speeding utility truck. I suffered extensive, life threatening injuries.

    I had broken my neck and back in six places, I broke six ribs on my left side as well as my right collarbone, my right arm and some bones in my feet. My leg was ripped open and filled with gravel, I had had injuries, internal injuries and massive blood loss.

    I wasn't supposed to live...let alone walk. I spent six m...

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    Wednesday, March 2, 2011

    Success is when you have time enough to spend with the people you love, whenever you desire. And doing the things you love to do. ~ Eva Rosenberg

    Inspired Quote of the Day

    Success is when you have time enough to spend with the people you love, whenever you desire. And doing the things you love to do. ~ Eva Rosenberg

    Today's Brilliance

    Eva Rosenberg

    Eva Rosenberg

    Known as the Tax Mama, Eva is the publisher of which provides tax information with a mother's touch.

    If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...

    Once in a Dear Abby column, a 30-year-old woman who'd always wanted to go to law school lamented, "But it will take 8 years. I'll be 38 years old in 8 years!" Abby replied, "How old will you be in 8 years if you don't go to law school?"

    Doesn't that just about sum up life for you?

    It's never too late to start something new or pursue your passion.

    Over the years, I've watched people I've known re-invent themselves or change paths in life - and they just glow with joy and enthusiasm.

    There was a 40+ year-old woman in my college political science class. While most students marked time, she was passionate and vocal. Having deferred her education for decades, after escaping Hitler's Europe, raising 4 children, and supporting her husband's career - it was her turn for a degree and career. She's still a dear friend, 30+ years later.

    During an audit of the Rim of the World school district, when business computers were new, only one person knew how to ...

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    Sunday, February 27, 2011

    I believe 'we the people' are who make the difference in the world. ~Rosanne D'Ausilio Ph.D

    Inspired Quote of the Day

    What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls a butterfly. ~ Richard Bach

    Today's Brilliance

    Rosanne D'Ausilio Ph.D

    Rosanne D'Ausilio Ph.D

    Rosanne is an industrialist psychologist known as the Champion for the Human in a very high tech world.

    If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...

    We, the People

    The preamble to the most powerful document, the US Constitution reads, "We, the people." I believe 'we the people' are who make the difference in the world. There is a lot of new, state-of-the-art technology available today, and I admit I too am a user of it, but technology supports the humans, it doesn't replace them.

    In the customer service industry, the largest percentage of budget dollars goes to the labor force. So naturally companies are looking or ways to economize, and the first place they look is to the people. They say to themselves, 'how can I reduce my labor costs without necessarily firing staff? We'll bring in new software, new hardware, a new phone system, we'll use speech technology, etc. etc.' What I believe they lose sight of is the fact that for simple things we are all willing to push 1 for this or 2 for that. Self service is great for repetitive inquiries, input, or ...

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    Saturday, February 26, 2011

    Open your mind to unlimited possibilities. ~ Joe Nunziata

    Inspired Quote of the Day

    Open your mind to unlimited possibilities. ~ Joe Nunziata

    Today's Brilliance

    Joe Nunziata

    Joe Nunziata

    Joe is an internationally known speaker, energy healer and bestselling author of Spiritual Selling, Finding Your Purpose and No More 9 to 5.

    If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...

    Many years ago I read the biography of Napoleon Hill. If you are not familiar with Hill; he is the author of one of the most influential books in history "Think and Grow Rich." This book is considered by many to be the precursor to the psychology of success programs we have today.

    Napoleon Hill was a young writer commissioned by billionaire Andrew Carnegie to find out why people are successful. Carnegie was a billionaire at the turn of the century, so his wealth would exceed that of even Bill Gates today.

    The question Carnegie wanted answered was, "Why are some people so successful while others who seemingly work just as hard never achieve a great level of success?" Carnegie told Hill that he would introduce him to the most successful men in the world. He would give him the opportunity to question them regarding their philosophy for business and life. There was one catch; Hill would not be paid one dime for the project.

    Hill realized the magnitude of the...

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    Friday, February 25, 2011

    Life is about stripping bare and building up, in a constant repeating oscillation. ~Michael Bedar

    Inspired Quote of the Day

    After so many years and lifetimes, Of thinning this glass ceiling of illusion, So suddenly, The mind just shattered. ~ Rabbi Gabriel Cousens, M.D.

    Today's Brilliance

    Michael Bedar

    Michael Bedar

    Michael is the development director of the Joy of Learning Center of San Rafael, for the Movement to Reverse Diabetes Naturally of the Bay Area.

    If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...

    One of the most fun things in life is when we get to take our clothes off, is it not? Another of the most fun things in life is when we get to put clothes on because it means!

    Life is about stripping bare and building up, in a constant repeating oscillation. Rarely are we in a full monty or a full dress-up in life, right? The trick while in this grey area is to keep the enthusiasm of the pure strip and the high regalia, while walking the normal path of life what EVER that is for you.

    Life, stripped down to the essence, is being completely open with gratitude for the energy of beingness that is noncausally joyful, peaceful, and contented. Yet, life also is being dressed up to our full potential ripeness and maturity, dancing the details of the fullness of family and creative service. This is why there is rapture in the regular. In that very regular moment, there exists the manifestation of a destiny that is given specifically to each of us; ...

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    Thursday, February 24, 2011

    'What are the 10,000,000 ways to express love?' ~Susyn Reeve

    Inspired Quote of the Day

    If not now, when? ~ Mikhail Gorbachev

    Today's Brilliance

    Susyn Reeve

    Susyn Reeve

    Susyn is the author of Choose Peace and Happiness and cofounder of and

    If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...

    I apprenticed with don Miguel Ruiz many years ago. I repeatedly heard him say, "There are 10,000,000 ways to express your love." There was something about this statement that echoed through me and yet I didn't immediately explore what it actually meant in my daily life.

    Then one morning while on a journey in Teotihuacan, Mexico, with don Miguel, I heard him repeat the words, "There are 10,000,000 ways to express your love." This time, rather than simply echoing through my mind, the words took up residence.

    As I walked the grounds and climbed the pyramids of this sacred Aztec site my focus was first directed inward as I asked myself, 'What are the 10,000,000 ways to express love?' Some obvious ones popped into my mind: hugging, giving compliments, remembering special occasions of family and friends, making love...and then I had a thought: look around you all day today and see the ways people are expressing their love.

    So my eyes focused outward with t...

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    Wednesday, February 23, 2011

    Erica Pinsky - speaker, an author, and a consultant passionate about promoting respectful, profitable workplace cultures.

    Inspired Quote of the Day

    What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

    Today's Brilliance

    Erica Pinsky

    Erica Pinsky

    Erica is a speaker, an author, and a consultant passionate about promoting respectful, profitable workplace cultures.

    If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...

    Have you ever felt powerless or victimized? Have you ever been so filled with fear that you are almost paralyzed?

    I have. When my husband died in May 2002, leaving me to run my consulting business and raise our five year old daughter on my own, I was terrified.

    All of us feel fear. Sometimes fear can help keep us and those we love safe. More often, however, fear can imprison us. It can keep us trapped in a mindset of negativity and doubt. For the next couple of minutes I'd like you to think about fear - and whether it is holding you back or empowering you.

    I work with employees who have experienced disrespectful behaviour like discrimination, harassment, and bullying at work. These targeted individuals often think things will get worse if they speak out. Despite name calling, sarcastic remarks, yelling, public humiliation, or racial slurs, victims often choose to remain silent. Their fear of "what might happen if" keeps them trapped in a bad situation and ...

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    Tuesday, February 22, 2011

    A good gift, like so many things in life, takes one to talk and one to listen.~ Nick Kellet

    Inspired Quote of the Day

    A good gift, like so many things in life, takes one to talk and one to listen.~ Nick Kellet

    Today's Brilliance

    Nick Kellet

    Nick Kellet

    Nick is the creator and publisher of the awardwinning party game GiftTRAP.

    If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...

    Learning "who you are" is not as easy as it sounds, but the sooner you figure it, the quicker you will get where you want to go and most importantly be happy on your journey.

    It's very simple - surround yourself with things you love and most of the rest of the stuff take care of themselves.

    I've been lucky enough so far to have 3 jobs (2 with "small cool fashion companies and big personality CEOs" and 1 effectively "running a startup inside a big company") and 3 startups (1 "failed startup", 1 "sell out success" and 1 "work in progress").

    Most of the time I've viewed work as a fun thing I loved to do. I've pursued challenges along the way with such a passion that I mostly forget it's actually a job.

    I must confess there are downsides to liking work too much. I'm jealous of people who have an "off" switch and I'm not talking about people who tune out by never tuning "in".

    As a result of mostly...

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    Monday, February 21, 2011

    Think it, Ink it, Be it. ~ Jen Blackert

    Inspired Quote of the Day

    Think it, Ink it, Be it. ~ Jen Blackert

    Today's Brilliance

    Jen Blackert

    Jen Blackert

    Known as the Attraction Diva, Jen is an author, a speaker and a coach.

    If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...

    Jen Blackert's Top 10 Life Lessons for Humanity

    1. TRUTH: Let go of all your inner struggles or fights by accepting what is. What IS the truth? When you accept what is, you can then choose to keep what you may not want or change it. So be impeccable with your true word, so you can accept and see what is - this will allow you to make conscious decisions to change it what you don't like. "...The truth will set you free." John 8:32

    2. PASSION: Listen to the desires and passions in your heart. There is reason for these passions - you see -- your passions are your divine path. Spirit guides us with our feelings within - go within or go without.

    3. SEE: See yourself living your dreams now. Hold the vision and make your decisions based on what you see. It really is that simple.

    4. EXPERIENCE: Too often we find ourselves "doing" things and not "experiencing" life. Be in life and stop "doing" things to get things done. The great Taoist master Lao Tzu said, "Do...

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    Sunday, February 20, 2011

    We are life's perpetual trainees, always preparing for the future. ~ Stephen Hopson

    Inspired Quote of the Day

    We are life's perpetual trainees, always preparing for the future. ~ Stephen Hopson

    Today's Brilliance

    Stephen Hopson

    Stephen Hopson

    Stephen is a motivational speaker, an author, a blogger and a pilot, born profoundly deaf.

    If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...

    My all-time favorite saying is that we are life's perpetual trainees, always learning, growing and preparing for the future.

    For several years after my deafness was first discovered at the age of 3, I didn't understand why I was born without the ability to hear. While growing up, I was a happy-lucky-go kid on the outside, but quite angry inside. As I got older, I resented the fact that I couldn't hear and do the things my peers were doing including things like talking on the phone and whispering something nothings in each other's ears in a darkened movie theatre, to name a few.

    With a slew of significant moments throughout my life, I've experienced transformational life changes like the day my fifth grade teacher uttered three simple words, forever changing my life and the day God spoke to me on the beach while on vacation from Wall Street.

    On that fateful day in my fifth grade class, all that had happened was that I was respond...

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    Saturday, February 19, 2011

    Author of Carole's Story: A Scottish Gem. ~Michele Rodger

    Inspired Quote of the Day

    In this vast scheme of life we are rewarded in direct proportion to the value we create for others. ~ Allen D’ Angelo

    Today's Brilliance

    Michele Rodger

    Michele Rodger

    Michele is the author of Carole's Story: A Scottish Gem.

    If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...

    If today were my last day on Earth I'd have a lot to share and say, but I will keep it short and succinct!

    I'd start with sharing words from Padre Pio "Pray, hope, and don't worry. Worry is useless. God will hear your prayers." I think this line is so is okay not to worry, because it really doesn't serve us in any shape or form. It's all about living life to its fullest and you can't do that if you are worrying.

    I'm an author...I never intended to be an author, but when I saw my sister-in-law at age 42 deteriorate in front of my eyes from stage 4 breast cancer, it changed me in a profound way.

    Life is precious...I always knew this, but I now remind myself everyday how precious it really is...I look at the sky in a different way and appreciate its little nuances. I appreciate the little things in life like waking up and being healthy, which turns out are the big things. I made a promise to myself to honor Carole's zest for life, and one I now lo...

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