After so many years and lifetimes, Of thinning this glass ceiling of illusion, So suddenly, The mind just shattered. ~ Rabbi Gabriel Cousens, M.D.

Michael Bedar
Michael is the development director of the Joy of Learning Center of San Rafael, for the Movement to Reverse Diabetes Naturally of the Bay Area.
If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...
One of the most fun things in life is when we get to take our clothes off, is it not? Another of the most fun things in life is when we get to put clothes on because it means something...is...happening!
Life is about stripping bare and building up, in a constant repeating oscillation. Rarely are we in a full monty or a full dress-up in life, right? The trick while in this grey area is to keep the enthusiasm of the pure strip and the high regalia, while walking the normal path of life what EVER that is for you.
Life, stripped down to the essence, is being completely open with gratitude for the energy of beingness that is noncausally joyful, peaceful, and contented. Yet, life also is being dressed up to our full potential ripeness and maturity, dancing the details of the fullness of family and creative service. This is why there is rapture in the regular. In that very regular moment, there exists the manifestation of a destiny that is given specifically to each of us; ...
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