Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Cowboy Wisdom of the Day; 06/30/10
Results are better than regrets. At the end of your life do you want to have a lot of I wish I had's or would you rather say "I made an effort and I g

Results are better than regrets. At the end of your life do you want to have a lot of I wish I had's or would you rather say "I made an effort and I got results? ~Sharmen Lane

Sharmen Lane
Sharmen is an author, radio host and motivational speaker, helping others to create the life they dream about.
If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...
Be the change you want to see in the world. One of the most empowering things we can do to change our lives is to change our choices. Choose to be better in the next moment. Choose to be better tomorrow than you were today.
Every day we are giving new challenges and we can take with us the things we have learned from our past to be better, smarter and stronger today. Today, choose to live with inspiration. Inspire yourself. Be the source of your own inspiration, that is why inspiration starts with I.
Choose to take action now. Do it now. Don't wait for tomorrow as you never know what the future holds. Take action now. Start by getting clear and setting a goal. Identify what you want. Be clear and defined. Have something you are passionate about that you are working towards. This gives you a reason to wake up in the morning, get out of bed and move through the day with gusto. Once you know what you are working towards, make a plan to make it happen. A goal without ...
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Cowboy Wisdon of the Day; 06/29/10
Always give more than you hope to receive, whether in business or in your personal life. ~ Dave Taylor

Always give more than you hope to receive, whether in business or in your personal life. ~ Dave Taylor

Dave Taylor
Dave is someone who has been in the online space since 1980. He's best known for and his new venture,
If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...
One of the greatest failings in business school is that our future business leaders are taught to ask "what can you do for me?" or, in the words of Janet Jackson, "what have you done for me lately?"
This isn't just a business view, however, this permeates modern Western culture and makes the words of John F. Kennedy ring hollow: "ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." (few people also recall the next line in Kennedy's speech: "My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man.")
JFK had it right and it's how I live my life: I endeavor to give, to contribute, to make what I have learned and figured out available to everyone without charge, without barriers, without restrictions or limitations. My business is all about disseminating information to improve people's lives gratis. No subscription fee, no download charge, no ...
Monday, June 28, 2010
Cowboy Wisdom of the Day; 06/28/10
UR Valley Forge Grit is the pioneerg spirit unshacklg sovereign paradigms w n folks 2 experience their journey as u r living on cloud nine
Leadership is recognizing that we are all ONE. ~Vishen Lakhiani

Leadership is recognizing that we are all ONE. That every person you lead is as brilliant as you, as talented as you, and has the same capacity for growth and accomplishment. They simply need to be reminded of this fact. ~Vishen Lakhiani

Vishen Lakhiani
Vishen is the co-founder of MindValley, speaker, consultant and highly-successful entrepeneur.
If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...
As I've grown and matured I have noticed a recurring pattern in my life. Things move the easiest - business, family life, friendships, my goals - when I am in a state of Flow. What do I mean by "Flow"? It is a feeling of happiness in the present while having a positive expectancy for the future.
But let me break it down further. The state of Flow has been described in different ways by different people. Tony Robbins calls it "State". Jose Silva calls it "Expectancy". Donald Trump refers to it as "Positive Stamina". I believe they are all referring to the same thing.
Flow is composed of two ingredients.
The first is being happy in the now. This means being happy and joyful in your present state. It's about enjoying the journey and not the destination.
The next ingredient is vision. It's about having a powerful, beautiful dream for who you want to be and what you want to accomplish and contribute to the world in the future.
All of us can...
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Sunday, June 27, 2010
Law of Attraction; 06/27/10
--- Abraham
Hope lives in the hearts of the willing. ~ Matt Kahn

Hope lives in the hearts of the willing. ~ Matt Kahn

Matt Kahn
Matt is an enlightened spiritual teacher, an intuitive healer, and the author of Ever Present Peace: Finding Harmony in a World of Chaos.
If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...
What I know to be true is no matter how turbulent the rollercoaster of life seems to be, or however many times I swing from one emotional high, to any emotional low, this life is a precious gift of experience I honor and treasure - no matter what form it appears to take.
I know that whatever I know is only a point of view based on a past history of experiences, with every single point of view hiding in the minds of all, being equally unique and valid to their past, as similar or as different as it seems from mine. To only be focused on my individual point of view is to build a belief, that how I see things may be more right than the others around me. This keeps me isolated in my own limited world of opinion, without the opportunity to learn from the brilliance that we're all here to offer.
I know from the lessons of past experiences, whenever I remained lost in my own view point, I'd have to ignore every other possibility in the entire Universe, just to keep ...
Cowboy Wisdom of the Day; 06/27/10
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Law of Attraction; Abraham; 06/26/10
--- Abraham
Cowboy Wisdom of the Day; 06/26/10
When I Grow Up, I Wanna Be a Big Kid ~Sami FitzGerald


Sami FitzGerald
Sami is an exceptional young girl, who by the age of seven was already an author and a speaker.
If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...
When I grow up I have decided to be a "big kid" instead of an adult.
What made me decide to do this?
I watch my mom and dad and all of their friends have fun, but I still think they are missing out on the good stuff kids get to do....
I think there should be an option to grow up but still do kid things. This would make the world a better place because everyone would be having fun.
In the world full of "big kids" everyone would get to do stuff like:
1. Play outside everyday. Don't just go outside, but kick a ball around or hoola-hoop in the yard.
2. Of course when you are outside, you should invite friends over to play too! How about a skipping contest or see who can hop on one foot longer? That is sure to make you smile.
3. Definitely wear comfortable clothes. Sometimes I see adults wearing fancy clothes and high-heel shoes and they don't look happy. Soft, colorful clothes and sneakers are great for everyone!
4. Put a...
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Friday, June 25, 2010
Cowboy Wisdom of the Day; 06/25/10
UR galvanizing moxie is a cyclone of confidence illuminating the mental landscape within people as ur drinking wealthy my-ties on the beach
The most important gift is connection with others. Cherish your relationships. ~Dr. Michelle Gannon

The most important gift is connection with others. Cherish your relationships. ~Dr. Michelle Gannon

Dr. Michelle Gannon
Dr. Michelle is a Psychologist, Relationship Expert & Founder of Award Winning Marriage Prep 101 Workshops.
If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...
Cherish your Relationships.
When we think of the word, "Relationship" we often think of our closest, intimate connections with others such as spouse, partner, parent, child, family members and even pets. Yes, I believe we need to deeply adore and cherish those relationships. When is the last time that you told them that you loved and appreciated them? Do you know their language of love, and how they personally prefer to be adored? Some people like physical touch, gifts, quality time, acts of service or words of appreciation. Take the time to learn your loved ones' preferred way to be loved. Make the effort to demonstrate that you care for them on a daily basis. Do not take each other for granted. Appreciate and cherish them while you still can. We never know what our future or destiny holds, so treat each relationship with love, kindness, respect and appreciation.
Also, cast your net far and wide. Who else do you have a relationship with? When you think of your...
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Cowboy Wisdom; 06/24/10
Your intrepid-wit is the sonic-boom awakening the world to a new paradigm of astuteness as you nap in your hammock of luxuriousness
Laughter is to the soul, what rain is to the earth. ~Gerry Hopman

Laughter is to the soul, what rain is to the earth. ~Gerry Hopman

Gerry Hopman
Gerry is a motivational speaker, a humorist, and the author of The Power of Humor and Kids say the Doggonest Things.
If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...
The Rise and Decline of Humor and Laughter
Humor and laughter have been a part of the human culture for as long as we can go back in history.
The benefits of humor are even referenced in the bible and the Book of Proverbs 17:22, where it states, "a cheerful heart does good like medicine, but a broken spirit makes you sick."
Humans are the only living species that can laugh and generate humor. There are some animal lovers who claim they have seen their pets smile, however, actual laughter and the ability to create and enjoy humor are only evident in human beings.
During the course of the ages, humor and laughter have been recognized for bringing joy and happiness, as therapy to speed recovery from surgery, as therapy and counseling of depressed people, as a cure for melancholy, a release for excess stress and tension, treatment of the sick, and the regaining of emotional equilibrium.
In the 1950's, people laughed on average eighteen times a day...
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Happiness is just a moment...embrace them, celebrate them, but most important notice them. ~Pamela Gail Johnson

Happiness is just a moment...embrace them, celebrate them, but most important notice them. ~Pamela Gail Johnson

Pamela Gail Johnson
Pamela is the founder of the Secret Society of Happy People.
If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...
I'd like to tell you that you can be happy all of the time or that happiness is always about choice. But I can't because I don't believe it.
I know some people believe it and claim to live it. And if you're one of them, I'm very happy for you... and even a little envious.
But for those who seek happiness because we aren't happy all of the time, the best advice I know to give is this, "Happiness happens. Unhappiness happens."
If you want to be happy you can't ignore unhappiness. Sometimes our unhappiness is of our own making and more easily remedied because it's about making changes in our life. Sometimes it really is a matter of deciding to be happy, by deciding what is really important. Too often we're unhappy over things that really don't matter because we don't want to look at the things that do matter. The things that require us to change, grow and become better people. So sometimes, happiness is a choice. But sometimes unhappiness is caused by event...
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Everything that happens to us happens within us. ~Seth David Chernoff

Everything that happens to us happens within us. ~Seth David Chernoff

Seth David Chernoff
Seth is a two-time cancer survivor, marketing professional, the founder of multiple companies, and author of new book Manual For Living...
If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...
There are no coincidences in this universe; everything operates in perfect equilibrium. When we are ready, the right opportunities in life present themselves, whether in the form of people or things; and regardless of whether we see, hear, feel, or read it, it will speak to us. Irrespective of whether we agree or disagree with information as it is presented to us in life, it serves an important purpose to help us open our eyes to the world around us, to continually question what we believe, and to subsequently look within for the answers we seek for our truth.
The general complacency with which we live our lives offers little in the way of growth and evolution.
A healthy curiosity makes the world go around. We need to connect with others, step out of our comfort zone and out of our shell to become active participants in our communities. We need to engage in our world, express interest in other people's lives, be authentic, ask questions, and most importantly, learn from...
Cowboy Wisdom of the Day; 06/22/10
Monday, June 21, 2010
Law of Attraction; Abraham; 06/21/10
--- Abraham
I'm Inspired by the Goodness of People, and my Ability to Make a Difference. ~Shel Horowitz

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. ~ Margaret Mead

Shel Horowitz
Shel is the creator of the International Business Pledge and the awardwinning author of Principled Profits and other books.
If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...
I'm Inspired by the Goodness of People, and my Ability to Make a Difference.
After Enron and WorldCom and ImClone and Parmalat and Mitsubishi and too many other business scandals to name...many people would call me foolish for continuing to believe that most people want to do good, and that the best businesses are run with integrity. And I also believe that I, as one small entrepreneur, can make a difference in the business world...can push the business community to publicly embrace ethics, and to make future Enron-type scandals as unthinkable a few years from now as slavery is today.
All my adult life, I've been involved in making the world better. I devote many hours to local, national, and international causes. I take strength from "impossible" social changes that really happened, in my own life and in the world at large. The "experts" never predicted the fall of the Berlin Wall, the collapse of apartheid, the rise of world-wide consciousness about...
I'm Inspired by the Goodness of People, and my Ability to Make a Difference. ~Shel Horowitz

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. ~ Margaret Mead

Shel Horowitz
Shel is the creator of the International Business Pledge and the awardwinning author of Principled Profits and other books.
If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...
I'm Inspired by the Goodness of People, and my Ability to Make a Difference.
After Enron and WorldCom and ImClone and Parmalat and Mitsubishi and too many other business scandals to name...many people would call me foolish for continuing to believe that most people want to do good, and that the best businesses are run with integrity. And I also believe that I, as one small entrepreneur, can make a difference in the business world...can push the business community to publicly embrace ethics, and to make future Enron-type scandals as unthinkable a few years from now as slavery is today.
All my adult life, I've been involved in making the world better. I devote many hours to local, national, and international causes. I take strength from "impossible" social changes that really happened, in my own life and in the world at large. The "experts" never predicted the fall of the Berlin Wall, the collapse of apartheid, the rise of world-wide consciousness about...
Cowboy Wisdom of the Day; 06/21/10
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Cowboy Wisdom of the Day; 06/20/10
U announce-nobility as you enter the world beamg Zen Sapience 2 pple spurring their life N2 luxury as u leisurly live a plush life of Riley
I've always considered myself as a spiritual warrior in a business suit. ~Beate Chelette

I've always considered myself as a spiritual warrior in a business suit. ~Beate Chelette

Beate Chelette
Beate is an entrepreneur, author, speaker, and a believer that you can have everything you want.
If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...
To sum it up, I am a Woman Who Wants It All - and I firmly believe that I can get it, too. Nobody can tell me otherwise. "It is not possible!" How many times have I heard that! "You can't have it all. It can't be done, it's been tried before and did not work." The list of limitations goes on endlessly. Thank God I did not listen to them. I have a great daughter, am in a wonderful relationship, and love what I do. I am the American Dream.
Every movement, every idea, starts with one person. If someone did not think a different thought and act upon it, nothing would have changed, ever. Keep this in mind as you embark on your daily routines: maybe it is time to change one thing today so you can have a different outcome in your routine. Start by changing the way you think! For every person who does not get that job, someone else does - that needs to be you. For every person who loses money in this market, someone else makes it - that needs to be you. For every ...
Saturday, June 19, 2010
For me, there's more to life than money.~Sue Atkins

Fifty years from now it won't matter what kind of car you drove, what kind of house you lived in, how much you had in your bank account, or what your clothes looked like, but the world may be a little better because you were important in the life of a child. ~ Dr. Forest E. Witcraft

Sue Atkins
Sue is a parenting coach and the author of Raising Happy Children for Dummies.
If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...
For me, there's more to life than money.
For me, it's all about people and relationships and in particular it's about the relationships we have within our own families - with our kids, our partners, and our own parents.
Family life is the most important aspect of our true well-being - and so is the really important job of bringing up happy, confident, well-balanced adults - today's children - but tomorrow's future.
For all children and for most adults, family life is the most important thing in life.
It gives meaning to our lives - as it's a place of safety, security, support, laughter, and a feeling of belonging.
You only have to ask yourself - who was there to pick you up from a late night party, give you a bit of ";extra"; money when you'd run out, or sorted things out when you got into trouble or made mistakes?
Or who was there to get you over a broken heart, a messy divorce, or there encouraging you on the sidelines on a frozen col...
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Friday, June 18, 2010
A Note From the Universe 06/18/10
Hit me baby,
The Universe
Law of Attraction; Abraham; 06/18/10
--- Abraham
The Change Guarantee ~Ariane De Bonvoisin

Be kind for everyone is fighting a hard battle. ~Plato

Ariane De Bonvoisin
Ariane is the author of First 30 Days: Your Guide to Making Any Change Easier, as well as the founder and chief change optimist of
If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...
The Change Guarantee is the belief I go to during times of change and transition in my own life. It states that, "from this situation, something good will come". I've found that everytime my life is turned upside down, somehow, there is a gift associated with it, the universe is unfolding perfectly, life is on my side and somehow, I will come to see the lesson. I've interviewed thousands of people and every person can answer the question- what good came from this change?
I'm very committed to helping people see that change is good, that they are much better at change than they have ever been told, that the very best of who you are comes out during times of transition. The core of your spirit is a result of all the changes you've made and faced. Change is the most important life skill to get good at and there are ways of getting better at change. Thats what my work and my book have been about.
Think of the change you'd love to make or the change you are current...
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Cowboy Wisdom of the Day; 06/18/10
Your electrifying charisma spins the world at high rate of speed funneling all your lavish divine inheritance to you in lavish abundances
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Life isn't about you - it's about your contribution. ~Elaine Starling

Life isn't about you - it's about your contribution. ~Elaine Starling

Elaine Starling
Elaine is the founder of Promise Power, believing that each person is endowed with a passion and a unique reason for being.
If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...
Growing a small business can seem really scary sometimes. Yet I find that the fear is also part of the exhilaration! Personal satisfaction is created when you stand up to what scares you and do it anyway! When your WHY is big enough, nothing - absolutely NOTHING - can stop you from attaining your goal.
So often it's the easy, simple, seemingly meaningless solutions that offer the greatest impact! You face a huge problem and mistakenly imagine that only a huge solution can solve it. Not so. Simple things done consistently are what truly matter.
To share an example, let me show you how easy this is for a small business and for life in general:
· For retail operations, just asking the simple question: "What brought you into the store today?" has been proven to quadruple sales results! What questions are you asking, not only in your business but in your life?
· Approximately 75% of the neurons in your brain that are used...
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Law of Attraction; Abraham; 06/16/10
It is not your role to make others happy; it is your role to keep yourself in balance. When you pay attention to how you feel and practice self-empowering thoughts that align with who-you-really-are, you will offer an example of thriving that will be of tremendous value to those who have the benefit of observing you.
You cannot get poor enough to help poor people thrive or sick enough to help sick people get well. You only ever uplift from your position of strength and clarity and alignment.
--- Abraham
Cowboy Wisdom 06/16/10
You really can change almost anything. I'm living proof. ~Dain Heer

Dain Heer
After much trial and struggle, Dain invites others to the possibility and awareness that life can be different - and much more fun!
If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...
What if you knew you could change anything in your life? And if you knew that change could come easily, would your life look different than it does now?
So many of us go around believing that we are "stuck" with the lives we have, not realizing that there is a completely different possibility available—yes, even for YOU.
You really can change almost anything. I'm living proof.
Ten years ago, I was going to kill myself—literally—because I was tired of struggling and suffering. And I changed it.
Now, I travel the world sharing with people tools that will allow them to create change and different possibilities in their lives.
What is it you'd like to change? And what would you change if you knew anything were possible?
There are a few tools that you need in order to change things. First, you have to take a moment (literally 5 seconds) and acknowledge that change is actually possible. Shew! That was easy, right?
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Live fully like it is your last day. Love freely like it is your first day. Laugh fiercely like a child. And let life flow. ~ Kute Blackson

Live fully like it is your last day. Love freely like it is your first day. Laugh fiercely like a child. And let life flow. ~ Kute Blackson

Kute Blackson
Kute is a transformational life coach and the creator of the Love Now project, cd and video.
If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...
In our high tech culture today, where we have the capacity to send emails, create iphones, build airplanes, harness nuclear and solar energy, we seem to have lost touch with a power far greater. The power of Life. The power of the SOUL. The power of our very own Infinite nature.
Up until now MIRACLES have been left to special saints, gurus, and chosen masters. Miracles have become some far out and unusual experience rather than a natural experience in our everyday living.
In our scientific world, everything needs to make sense and be logical. We seem to have lost touch with our capacity for awe, innocence, wonder. Increasingly, we have become disconnected from the flow, from our true source, to the point where we are more surprised when so called out of the ordinary things occur, that we call these miracles. Yet, miracles are available to us each moment.
Times are changing now. The miracle workers simply reflect to us our own highest potential within. They ar...