Every day I'm being the person my dog thinks I am. ~ Paul Dunn

Paul Dunn
Paul is a social entrepreneur and the Wizard of WOW at Buy 1 Give 1.
If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...
My Mum is now just over 100 years old. And until four years ago, our relationship was, shall we say, "challenging." Like most Mums, mine believed I was still three years old! And she never seemed to get excited at the things I felt I was achieving. Communication did not flow easily.
Then, it all changed. The simplest way to say it is Mum lost her head. Alzheimer's disease took its hold. And I realised that for all those years I'd been communicating with my Mum "head-to-head." Now, the ONLY way for us to communicate was heart-to-heart. And it changed everything.
Just after her 96th birthday, I visited her in the Retirement Home. I looked down at her 42kg (92 pound) frame lying on her bed and I said to her, "You know what Mum, you're amazing."
"No I'm not," she whispered. And then something just came to me. "Play a game with Mum" was the message.
So I said, "Mum, here's what we're going to do. I'm going to ...
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