Be the light you want for the world, always remembering you are the Gaian vibration ...rising. ~Patricia Cori

Patricia Cori
Patricia is the founder of SoulQuest™ Journeys, radio show host of BEYOND THE MATRIX and author of Where the Pharoahs Dwell.
If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...
Were I to leave an inspirational message for the world upon my departure from this magnificent planet, it would be simple: Pay Attention.
By and large, our modern societies have imposed the tools and parameters of our utter distraction: cement jungles of our largely dysfunctional cities; inane and manipulative messages of coercive media; the goings-on of our governments with their hidden agendas; daily distractions of our runaway technologies and their abstract impressions, overlaid upon the tapestries of our richly woven lives as "spiritual beings, having a human experience."
Every life is a chalice, which carries the potential to be filled with the all the light of creation, as we learn to embrace our own godliness: co-creators of the Dream and sparks of Divine Spirit. If only we stop, and pay attention to the Earth and to each other—;to all living beings—;we remember our higher purpose, just as we remember our role in the unfolding o...
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