Live fully like it is your last day. Love freely like it is your first day. Laugh fiercely like a child. And let life flow. ~ Kute Blackson

Kute Blackson
Kute is a transformational life coach and the creator of the Love Now project, cd and video.
If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...
In our high tech culture today, where we have the capacity to send emails, create iphones, build airplanes, harness nuclear and solar energy, we seem to have lost touch with a power far greater. The power of Life. The power of the SOUL. The power of our very own Infinite nature.
Up until now MIRACLES have been left to special saints, gurus, and chosen masters. Miracles have become some far out and unusual experience rather than a natural experience in our everyday living.
In our scientific world, everything needs to make sense and be logical. We seem to have lost touch with our capacity for awe, innocence, wonder. Increasingly, we have become disconnected from the flow, from our true source, to the point where we are more surprised when so called out of the ordinary things occur, that we call these miracles. Yet, miracles are available to us each moment.
Times are changing now. The miracle workers simply reflect to us our own highest potential within. They ar...
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