Monday, May 31, 2010

Law of Attraction; Abraham; 05/31/10

The reason for desires, goals...for finding those decisions or points of focus, is because they are the life-giving things of the Universe. Without objects of attention, or objects of desire, Life Force does not come through any of us.

--- Abraham

Sunday, May 30, 2010

To Be A Human Being -Kersti & Lennart

Inspired Quote  of the Day

Do not ask yourself: who shall give you what you need or want - rather pose the question: what can I do to fill that void of yearning? The answer to this question is the source of life! ~Allenergi

Today's Brilliance

Kersti Gloersen and Lennart Loov

Kersti Gloersen and Lennart Loov

Kersti and Lennart are the founders of Allenergi, focusing on the interaction between Body, Soul, and Spirit.

If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...

We as human beings have the ability to speak, which means to have access to what has been taught and what has been thought. We also have the ability to talk, which means to have access to the wisdom within. To speak and to talk might mean the same thing but are energetically different. The difference between them is to let our lives be dictated by others or being true to our inner selves - the most profound and important thing we can do to honor our life. We all have access to this wisdom and we all have the choice to dare to feel or to push the emotions aside, thereby creating a distance to ourselves. No one else but us can make the decision of how to respond to the outer world or to be true to what is going on within us.

We use the word human being and assume that the word speaks for itself. We often do not acknowledge that there are two different parts to a human being. The human is our way to control the outer world, the way we were taught, the way we think, analyze and qu...

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Saturday, May 29, 2010

Law of Attraction/ Abraham/ 05/29/10

There will be someone who comes from a background of poverty who is influenced to strong wanting. And the rockets of desire will shoot, and then they will find a way to find vibrational harmony with their desire. They will get into this flow in which material things flow into their life at outrageous abundance. And they will feel brief moments of success as it comes, until they are eventually buried by the cumbersomeness of it, and then the next rocket of desire that is born is: "I'm wanting a simpler life."

--- Abraham

This Country Needs Hero Like You! ~Dallas Jessup

Inspired Quote  of the Day

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has. ~ Margaret Mead

Today's Brilliance

Dallas Jessup

Dallas Jessup

Dallas is a teen activist, the founder of a million girl revolution and the author of Young Revolutionaries Who Rock.

If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...

I'm Dallas Jessup (17) and I'm Calling All Heroes - Age 7 to 24, your country and the world need you.

I used to think I was unique as a kid who created a non- profit which grew into 43 countries. My photo was on Doritos bags, the big screen at Times Square in New York, and I get to hang out with celebrities but it turns out I'm just one of a thousand kids who are saving the world in a hundred ways and we're seeing thousands of other kids join us on the frontlines of youth activism every month.

Have you ever thought of starting a service project but backed off because you're too young or you think your mom's charity is lame? Well, you're not alone I get to meet kids every week when I'm out speaking at schools across the country. At every middle school or high school, it doesn't matter whether it's in rural Texas or in Boston, kids share the same message. They want to do something that will change the world but they don't know where to start and they really want it to be t...

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Friday, May 28, 2010

Are you giving your all? ~Chaney Weiner

Inspired Quote  of the Day

To those who believe, no proof is necessary; to those who don't, no proof is possible. ~ Stuart Chase

Today's Brilliance

Chaney Weiner

Chaney Weiner

Chaney is an inspirational and transformational speaker and the founder of Wealth Mastery Success.

If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...

Ask yourself this question every day of your life, "Am I doing everything I could with everything I am given?" You want to be able to answer "Yes I am giving it my all".

No matter where you are, no matter what you've been through and no matter what takes place during your day, whether positive or negative, look to see where it serves you and your mission. It is never about what's going on around you, it is about what's going on inside of you that counts.

There are many times when it is easy to quit or give in to what others say you "should" be doing or what you "have" to do or what you "ought" to be doing. It is a matter of believing in who you are, what you are passionate about and what you are worth and what value you bring to the world.

If you know what you are worth then go out and get what you are worth and be willing to take the challenges that come your way and keep moving forward. It is a matter of being tru...

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Thursday, May 27, 2010

Law of Attraction; Abraham; 05/26/10

You want appreciation. Even though you like what's happening now doesn't mean that you still don't want appreciation or greater stimulation. It just means you're not using something in your now as your excuse to not let in all those things that you've been wanting. The perfect creative stance is satisfaction where I am, and eagerness for more.

--- Abraham

If my body spent time where my spirit was, would I still be here. ~Inyah Dreams

Inspired Quote  of the Day

If my body spent time where my spirit was, would I still be here. ~Inyah Dreams

Today's Brilliance

Ruth Anne Wood

Ruth Anne Wood

Ruth is the director of Scripting for Success.

If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...

Energize your imagination to get more of what you want - Be as specific as you can with how it feels, tastes, sounds, smells, to live your dream now. Write your dream down in words that makes you feel good when you read it and read it daily.

Make Your Dream a priority by setting up systems of accountability to get what you want - Set up a master mind group, hire a coach, dedicate time everyday to focus on your dream daily, offer to help people who have achieved your dream.

Set specific parameters for your dream so you become a filter for only things that you want - Get very clear exactly what you want so when distractions come along that say "I'm more important than your dream," you can say no thanks. You are not my focus right now. My dream is this. You're not a match. Goodbye!"

Create anchors in your subconscious that alerts you when you are getting exactly what you want. (mind maps, mind movies, your future success stories) - If you get really clear ab...

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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Law of Attraction; Abraham; 05/26/10

Continuing to tell stories of shortage only continues to contradict your desire for abundance, and you cannot have it both ways: You cannot focus upon unwanted and receive wanted. You cannot focus upon stories about money that make you feel uncomfortable and allow into your experience what makes you feel comfortable. A different story will bring different results: My thoughts are the basis for the attraction of all things that I consider to be good, which includes enough money, and health, for my comfort and joy.

--- Abraham

You Deserve To Be Happy ~Dr. David Simon

Inspired Quote  of the Day

I'm inspired by the creative abundance of nature, the resiliency of the human heart, and the vision that we can create a world that deserves our children's dreams and laughter. ~David Simon

Today's Brilliance

Dr. David Simon

Dr. David Simon

Dr. David is the CEO/ Director of the Chopra Center and author of Free to Love, Free to Heal: Heal Your Body by Healing Your Emotions.

If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...

I often ask my patients struggling with a life issue, "Do you deserve to be happy?" More often than not, I receive a tenuous answer. "I'd like to say I do, but I'm not so sure" is a fairly typical response. Or I may hear, "I can't remember anyone in my life ever telling me it's my right to be happy." Well, if you haven't heard it before, hear it now: YOU DESERVE TO BE HAPPY!

Although relatively few of us were told during our upbringing that the expansion of happiness is the purpose of life, most people sense somewhere in their soul that more joy ought to be part of the equation. How, then, do we move from a state of constriction to a state of ever greater freedom and happiness? The first step towards genuine awakening is setting the intention . . . deciding to live a life that reflects your right to happiness.

You are powerful, intelligent, and interesting. You are complicated and valuable. You are attractive. You are a good person. You ar...

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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I believe people are not looking for the meaning of life, but rather are looking for meaning in their life. ~Pilar Stella

Inspired Quote of the Day

I believe people are not looking for the meaning of life, but rather are looking for meaning in their life. ~Pilar Stella

Today's Brilliance

Pilar Stella

Pilar Stella

Pilar is the CEO and founder of OneGiving, an author, speaker and Peace Activist.

If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...

Putting the "I" Back in InspIre

If you start with "I", InspIratIon leads to magic, miracles and dreams beyond your wildest imagination. ~ Pilar Stella

As I sat down to write this piece, I thought about the word "InspIre." No wonder the word starts with the letter "I" and "U" is no where to be found. Yet, isn't it interesting that when we think of the word InspIre, it is often to think of who InspIres us and is even more likely to be answered with some external person, mentor or idol?

What if we began to truly see the "I" in InspIre and recognized the ways in which we InspIre ourselves and others? Don't get me wrong, it is a beautiful thing to be InspIred by others. But in some ways, perhaps, isn't it like reality TV? That is, people watch how other people live their lives in interesting, strange and often unique ways, while they sit on their couches dreaming of another life, or what their life could be like.

What if instead of watching other people live cool...

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Monday, May 24, 2010

Love Now! ~Kute Blackson

Inspired Quote  of the Day

Live fully like it is your last day. Love freely like it is your first day. Laugh fiercely like a child. And let life flow. ~ Kute Blackson

Today's Brilliance

Kute Blackson

Kute Blackson

Kute is a transformational life coach and the creator of the Love Now project, cd and video.

If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...

We live in the most technologically advanced times in our history, we can send people to the moon, invent I Phones, yet our world seems to be in a state of chaos. These are indeed intense times: war, terrorism, uncertainty, as well as technological advancements, and material wealth. Yet we are also plagued with great "soul poverty" and a famine of inner fulfillment. Often losing sight of what is real, and truly important.

My message is simple: LOVE.NOW!

Growing up on 4 different continents, and seeing the reality that people from diverse walks of life live daily has deeply touched my heart. Whether it be the poorest slums in India, or the the forgotten villages in Africa. I have been touched by the rawness of life and what it means to be human. On the surface we may seem different but at the core we are all the same. We are ONE. We are all One river flowing from and to the same place. We are all being breathed by the same Source.

Everyone wants to be lov...

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Sunday, May 23, 2010

Law of Attraction; Abraham; 05/23/10

When you talk about what you want and why you want it, there's usually less resistance within you than when you talk about what you want and how you're going to get it. When you pose questions you don't have answers for, like how, where, when, who, it sets up a contradictory vibration that slows everything down.

--- Abraham

Trust The Process ~Dr. Cara Barker

Inspired Quote  of the Day

If you do not bring forward what is within you, what is within you will destroy you. If you bring forward what is within you, what is within you will heal and save you! ~ The Gnostic Gospels of St. Thomas

Today's Brilliance

Dr. Cara Barker

Dr. Cara Barker

Cara is a Jungian analyst, an author, an artist, a mother, a sister, a friend, and an amazing woman doing transformational work for the last 40 years.

If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...

As I write this, it is nearly October, harvest time. Driving down the lane, through the woods this morning, signs were everywhere. The leaves, drenched in russet, gold, and autumn shades of green. Three deer paused in the act of eating breakfast from a neighbor's garden. Their brown, velvety coats, simply beautiful. Mother Nature has designed magnificent creatures.

And then, I thought of you, and began to wonder just what might be useful for me to share with you, at this particular time in your life. You and I have seen the news. Isn't it funny how obsessed we can be on what is not going well? Despite our Monkey Mind's preoccupation with worry and doubt, Mother Nature continues unfolding Her seasons, despite our inattention.

One of the most important things I've learned from Her is the necessity of trusting the process. She is an ever present teacher of the truth '...for everything there is a season....' Not a day goes by when I am not remin...

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Saturday, May 22, 2010

Law of Attraction; Abraham; 05/22/10

Make more decisions in every day. Because a decision is a summoning of life. That's why a little chaos is good for you, because often you don't make a decision until you get yourself in a jam. And then, in the middle of the jam, you make a decision, but that decision summons Life Force. Have you ever been a place where you couldn't quite make up your mind and you just felt sort of limp? "Oh, I don't know. I don't know. I don't know." And then you decided, and you felt alive again. We want you to know that you'll never get it done. So don't approach this from, "I gotta get on this" because you're not ever going to get it done, anyway. And the other thing we want you to know is, you cannot get it wrong. So, make a decision. Let it flow.

--- Abraham

It's not how many times you fall that matters but how many times you get back up that counts. ~Grace Hatton

Inspired Quote  of the Day

It's not how many times you fall that matters but how many times you get back up that counts. ~Grace Hatton

Today's Brilliance

Grace Hatton

Grace Hatton

Grace is an eighteen year old author of new bestselling book The Guys, The Roses & The Regrets; The Girl to Girl Dating Guide.

If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...

If today were my last day on earth I would tell the world to be thankful. Gratitude is such a simple thing yet so often we forget to be thankful. Every day we face challenges and yes sometimes things don't go our way but more often the small things in our lives go fantastically well. Yet we're so focused on the negative we forget about the small good things in our lives. For me I truly learned about gratitude on a mission trip to South Africa in 2008. I met families in the squatter camps of Johannesburg who had no material possessions, no electricity and no running water yet they were happy. Do you know why they were so happy? They were happy because they knew how to be thankful. The mothers were thankful for their children being healthy, the fathers were thankful to have work and the children were thankful to have a family. The families in South Africa knew that even though they only had a little in truth they had everything. The families in South Africa taught me the true meanin...

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Friday, May 21, 2010

Of all the things you can make in life, remember you make a difference. ~ Noah benShea

Inspired Quote  of the Day

Of all the things you can make in life, remember you make a difference. ~ Noah benShea

Today's Brilliance

Noah benShea

Noah benShea

Noah benShea is one of North America's most respected and beloved poet-philosophers and the international bestselling author of 22 books.

If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...

Noah benShea's Ten Tips for Tough Times

1. Being broke is not the same as being broken,
losing money is not the same as being lost,
and finding your balance is not something you can do on a balance sheet.

2. Don't confuse having less with being less,
having more with being more,
or what you have with who you are.

3. Slow down.
What you're chasing may be trying to catch you.

4. Prayer is a path where there is none.

5. Put your faith and not your fears in charge.

6. God only gave you two arms.
If you're busy hugging the past you can't embrace the future.
Don't let the past kidnap your future.

7. This too shall pass.
Change is the only constant.
In order to take a breath you must release your breath.

8. Do what you can,
but never forget that letting go is very different from giving up.

9. Break the rules that are breaking you.
Tough times don't require you to be tough on yoursel...

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Thursday, May 20, 2010

Soul Felt Intentions; 05/20/10

Daily Soul-Felt Intention: “Sometimes the beauty is easy. Sometimes you don’t have to try at all. Sometimes you can hear the wind blow in a handshake. Sometimes there’s poetry written right on the bathroom wall.” – Ani Difranco ~ There’s beauty in all things large and small…

Law of Attraction; Abraham; 05/20/10

If you are being swept into some current that is not comfortable, or not in harmony with your desire, you must remember that couldn't happen if you weren't offering a vibration that matched it in some way. If you're vibrating differently from that, you're not having that experience

--- Abraham

Hidden Gems of Wisdom ~Barbara Biziou

Inspired Quote  of the Day

Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is to live everything. Live the questions. ~ Rainer Maria Rilke

Today's Brilliance

Barbara Biziou

Barbara Biziou

Barbara is a teacher of practical spirituality, as well as an author, motivational speaker and life coach.

If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...

Hidden Gems of Wisdom

Many years ago I was leading a Vision workshop in Nantucket. It is one of my favorite workshops because participants have the opportunity to explore their dreams and create a wonderful vision board.

I started by having people introduce themselves and share what their intention for the weekend. As we were going around the room, we came upon a 90-year-old woman who I assumed was just there for the company.

Instead, to my surprise she stated, "I came to find out what I want to do with the rest of my life." After the workshop she told me that she was planning a trip to Europe and then "who knows!" What a gift to have provided for the group. Sheer proof that life is an unfolding journey with endless possibilities!

Life can offer many gifts if you are open to receiving them. Since experience has taught me that anyone can be a voice of spirit, I tend to pay attention to conversations with strangers. A few weeks ago, I was ri...

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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Law of Attraction; Abraham; 05/19/10

Get out into the sunlight, out where everything is, with a vibration that is so dominant that those who annoy you, those who don't agree with you, those who make your life feel uncomfortable don't come into your experience, because your vibration, through your practice, has become so clear, so pure, so clean, so in keeping with what you want, that the world that revolves around you just feels like that. That's what you planned.

--- Abraham

Everything is opportunity. No matter what is in your life right now, it is a doorway to your freedom

Everything is opportunity. No matter what is in your life right now, it is a doorway to your freedom. Free your mind. Wealth, love, joy follows. ~Nan Akasha

Today's Brilliance

Nan Akasha

Nan Akasha

Nan is a Spiritual Money Attraction & Wealthy Life Design, Wealth Esteem Coach & Mindset Specialist, a speaker, a radio host and author.

If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...

I love to help people transform their relationship with money. My mission is to create a Wealth Conscious world, all living a vibrant life of joy and wealth. So here, today I want to share with you a magnetic process.

Did you know you are already Rich? Indeed you are!

Why? Because the field of abundance is all around you, within you... it IS you! All possibilities exist in this very moment! To live the wealthy life that is your natural state, tune your energy and focus to the wealth you desire. Learn to tune your vibration to one of wealth! Attract wealth by focusing your energy, empowering your vision and magnetizing it to you!

We are magnetic beings. We attract every single thing in our lives, from our money to our relationships, to our feelings based on the quality and direction of our vibration. Ready to take back your life? You have the power within you to direct your energy and manifest anything you desire with ease and grace. You are Divinely supported at al...

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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Soul Felt Intention; 05/18/10

Daily Soul-Felt Intention: “Life has been your art. You have set yourself to music. Your days are your sonnets.” - Oscar Wilde ~ Simply beautiful…

Law of Attraction; Abraham ; 05/18/10

If you decide to make someone the enemy and you're pushing very hard against them, you don't affect them at all, but you disconnect yourself from the Stream. If someone cheats you, they cannot diminish your experience. They only diminish their experience. You cannot be diminished by someone cheating you unless you get all upset about being cheated and push against them and use that as your excuse to disconnect from the Stream.

--- Abraham

To reach one is to reach them all.

Inspired Quote of the Day

To reach one is to reach them all. ~Ricky Roberts III

Today's Brilliance

Ricky Roberts III

Ricky Roberts III

Ricky is an motivational speaker and author of three books, his most recent being Where Did the Gift Go?

If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...

This moment, right now, is all that you can truly know. Regardless of what you may have done in your past, or the fears that you may have of the future, give thanks that you are here now.

You are beautiful and deserve to know the gift that you are to the world. Honor the mistakes you have made, for everyone makes them, but seek the lessons that they may have to teach you.

There is only one you. No matter how many people you compare yourself to, or how much you try to please others, no one can ever be who you are, as you can never be who they are. Honor the path that you have traveled, be proud of who you are in this moment, and give thanks for the opportunity to have another day.

Life will not be easy, you will be hurt, you will lose loved ones, your finances, relationships, jobs, living arrangements, and physical appearance will all change. No matter what may occur in your life, good or bad, know that it is a part of the greater good in why you are here.

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Monday, May 17, 2010

Soul Felt Intentions; 05/17/10

Daily Soul-Felt Intention: “Everybody needs beauty, as well as bread, places to play in and pray in – where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul.” – John Muir ~ Nourish your Self today.

Law of Attraction; Abraham; 05/17/10

There is no risk for you out here on the leading edge, ever. And when you come to understand the true nature of Well-being in which you have come forth--then you can relax and begin to enjoy this magnificent adventure which is your creative life experience. We are not here to guide the specifics of that which you choose. You get to choose that, and you can't get it wrong. We are here to assist you--only to assist you--in finding vibrational harmony with your desire; knowing that when you find vibrational harmony with your desire, you are, in this moment, a joyful Being. And that is our dominant wish for you.

--- Abraham

You can be, have, or achieve anything you desire as soon as you decide to be, have, or achieve it. It's your choice.

You can be, have, or achieve anything you desire as soon as you decide to be, have, or achieve it. It's your choice. ~Alan Underkofler

Today's Brilliance

Alan Underkofler

Alan Underkofler

Alan left the corporate dream job to follow his dream! Alan is the founder of Follow Up Success and the co-founder of Square Martini Media.

If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...

Identify what you want, what you want achieve, and what your dream is. Not just any dream, identify your burning desire; the one dream you may or may not think is attainable. The one dream that no matter what someone says or does, no matter what obstacle is placed in front of you, and no matter how long it takes, you will achieve. Identify the one dream you MUST achieve for you!

We all have one, some of us have two, and others have many... Identify one.

And then do whatever it takes to achieve it! Whatever it takes, go back to school, borrow money, ask for help, beg your friends to support you, fail, fail again, and fail twenty more times. Just keep going, keep going after your dream. Remember this is the one dream you identified! This is what makes you.... You! And no matter what happens, no matter how long it takes, it's worth it, because this is your one dream!

And once achieved, once you have completed your journey, look around... Enjoy the moment; think about ...

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Sunday, May 16, 2010

Law of Attraction; Abraham; 05/16/10

What better way could anyone spend money than back into the economy which gives more people work? What you call your economy is the exchange of human Energy. And so, think back a few hundred years about what your economy was in this nation. And what has changed? Have more resources been trucked in from other planets? Or have more people, over more time, just identified more things that they desire -- and the Nonphysical Energy that is endless and infinite supplies that? We never hear any of you say, "Well, I have been well for so many years, that I've decided that I'm going to be sick for a while to allow some other people to be well." Because you know that whether you're well or not doesn't have anything to do with them not getting enough wellness. You're not using up the wellness and depriving them of it. And it is the same thing with the abundance. People that have managed to find vibrational harmony with abundance, so that it is flowing to them and through them -- are not depriving anyone else of that abundance.

--- Abraham

Soul Felt Intentions; 05/16/10

Daily Soul-Felt Intention: “All violence toward others, or any attack upon oneself, is nothing more than one’s own unconscious imperfection trying, in vain, to keep itself out of sight.” – Guy Finley ~ Peel back the layers one

Climbing high in life results from bold dreams or brilliant ideas

Inspired Quote of the Day

Climbing high in life results from bold dreams or brilliant ideas translated into courageous action, with an emphasis on action. ~ Werner Berger

Today's Brilliance

Werner Berger

Werner Berger

Werner has been a corporate consultant for over 20 years, transforming them into opportunities for personal fulfillment and success.

If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...

I am sitting in a self-development workshop the year is 1989 and I am 52 years old. The leader asks us to think of three things we'd love to do before we die and likely never will. My "Bucket List"...climb Kilimanjaro, climb the Matterhorn and see Everest Base Camp. What, I'm not a climber? Little did I know where those wishes would take me.

Fast forward to May 22, 2007. It is 8:08 in the morning and I am standing at 29.035' on the top of Mt. Everest, the world's tallest mountain. Aside from two (2) Japanese I am the oldest person in the world to do so. Since 2002 I have now stood on the highest point on each of the seven (7) continents.

I reflect . . . what does all this mean and what have I learned along the way. Clearly, it's not normal for a person, just two months shy of his 70th birthday, to have climbed to the top of the world. But then, what is normal, other than a perception we collectively have bought into and now believe as true? Aren't the only limi...

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Saturday, May 15, 2010

Law of Attraction; Abraham; 05/15/10

The Universe does not know whether the vibration that you're offering is because of something you're observing or something you're remembering or something that you are imagining. It just receives the vibration and answers it with things that match it.

--- Abraham

Soul Felt Intention; 05/15/10

Daily Soul-Felt Intention: “It is madness for sheep to talk peace with a wolf.” – Thomas Fuller ~ You are much too precious for this.

Always look for the positive. Don't let anything stop you or get in the way of your goals and dreams.

Inspired Quote of the Day

Always look for the positive. Don't let anything stop you or get in the way of your goals and dreams. ~Sage Donnelly

Today's Brilliance

Sage Donnelly

Sage Donnelly

Sage is a courageous and triumphant kayaker, climber, skier and diabetic.

If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...

When I was 3, I was diagnosed with Type1Diabetes. I had to spend several days in the hospital and my parents had to learn to give me shots of insulin several times a day and weigh my food every time I ate. Instead of feeling sorry for me, my parents explained how my body worked with the insulin and food and they stressed how important keeping healthy was, especially exercise. My parents also stressed to always look for the positive, and my diagnosis made my parents change their schedules so one of them was always with me while the other one worked, and I developed a very strong bond with each of them because of it.

As I grew, I became an avid whitewater kayaker and spent many hours in rivers and whitewater parks. At 6, I flipped over in my kayak and became afraid of the water, so I asked my Dad to put me back in our 2 person kayak and we started over again until I was comfortable. Then I learned to roll my kayak at the age of 7, and took off from there! I started entering com...

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Friday, May 14, 2010

Soul Felt Intention; 05./14/10

Daily Soul-Felt Intention: “When your body has too much stress, it will cause inflammation in your pituitary gland which will close off transformation.” – Roger Drummer ~ Take time to feel calming thoughts and emotions today.

Law of attraction; Abraham; 05/14/10

Everything is valid and everything is truthful, because Law of Attraction lets everything be. The question is not whether it's right or wrong, whether their approach is right or wrong, or whether my approach is right or wrong. The question is: Does their approach feel good to me? And if it doesn't, then I choose a different approach.

--- Abraham

Realistic, empowered thinking is the key to all success.

Inspired Quote of the Day

Realistic, empowered thinking is the key to all success. ~Laura Day

Today's Brilliance

Laura Day

Laura Day

Laura is an internationally known speaker, teacher, consultant and best-selling author of How to Rule the World from Your Couch .

If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...

How to Rule the World from your Couch

I have heard the term "uncertain times" used too frequently in the last year. When were times certain? In business and life it is always essential to be pro-active, plastic, and prepared. We should never assume that things are "certain," because this will only set us up for a great fall. In business, and especially in an economic downturn, it is the intuitive company that thrives. Those actual "out of the box" ideas thrive in unsettled times. It's not worth waiting for miracles to happen, or things to get better. You must create the future on your own terms.

How to Rule the World from Your Couch was my answer to the companies that asked me for a linear guide to a non-linear process: intuition. Sun Tzu, the Chinese military sage said, "Every battle is won before it is ever fought," and I couldn't agree more. An integrated, intuitive process allows each of us to be a well-prepared, successful lea...

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Thursday, May 13, 2010

Now is another chance to start again, to forgive, to love, to dance and to smile.

Inspired Quote of the Day

Now is another chance to start again, to forgive, to love, to dance and to smile. ~ Samantha Backman

Today's Brilliance

Samantha Backman

Samantha Backman

Samantha is an educator, TV personality, world traveler, entrepreneur and many other things from Australia's Gold Coast.

If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...

If I had to condense the wisdom of my life into a page to leave as my legacy, here's the most valuable information that I've learned in my life. I hope it inspires you to fully live your dreams.

You know the key to A Brilliant Life as I see it , is to always, always, always listen to yourself first. We all have our own unique guidance system within us that comes from the spirit side of us. It is there to keep us on track to our own unique destiny. Often the road along the way doesn't resemble where we want to go, so we think we are on the wrong road... However, it is just the trip there, and of course it doesn't resemble where we will end up, because we're not there yet. If you plan a trip to London and stop in 4 other countries on the way there, none of them will look like London, but you are still on track to get to London are you not? So, stop judging the trip, and just enjoy it, you will arrive at your true destination in due course. ...

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