Going through life's challenges and you don't see a way out? Take out your life "Etch A Sketch"; shake it up, then design a new way out! ~Jim Smith, Jr.

Jim Smith, Jr.
Jim is a highly sought-after trainer and power speaker, as well as the president and CEO of JIMPACT Enterprises, Inc.
If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...
It's Your Choice
Have you heard these sayings before?
• "You'll keep getting what you're getting as long as you keep doing what you're doing!"
• "The insanity principle is doing the same thing but expecting different results!"
• "If nothing changes, nothing changes!"
These statements all pertain to personal power; reinventing oneself and change. More importantly, they all pertain to choice. You have to choose to change YOU.
Throughout my life, from childhood through college, corporate career to business owner, wedding day to divorce court, I've encountered people who were in situations they loathed but, for whatever reason, chose not to change how they responded to or viewed the situation. In most instances, the situation or circumstances never changed and neither did the people because most of them kept expecting the circumstances to change. We have to be the change.
Would you agree that most peopl...
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