You can be, have, or achieve anything you desire as soon as you decide to be, have, or achieve it. It's your choice. ~Alan Underkofler

Alan Underkofler
Alan left the corporate dream job to follow his dream! Alan is the founder of Follow Up Success and the co-founder of Square Martini Media.
If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...
Identify what you want, what you want achieve, and what your dream is. Not just any dream, identify your burning desire; the one dream you may or may not think is attainable. The one dream that no matter what someone says or does, no matter what obstacle is placed in front of you, and no matter how long it takes, you will achieve. Identify the one dream you MUST achieve for you!
We all have one, some of us have two, and others have many... Identify one.
And then do whatever it takes to achieve it! Whatever it takes, go back to school, borrow money, ask for help, beg your friends to support you, fail, fail again, and fail twenty more times. Just keep going, keep going after your dream. Remember this is the one dream you identified! This is what makes you.... You! And no matter what happens, no matter how long it takes, it's worth it, because this is your one dream!
And once achieved, once you have completed your journey, look around... Enjoy the moment; think about ...
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