Now is another chance to start again, to forgive, to love, to dance and to smile. ~ Samantha Backman

Samantha Backman
Samantha is an educator, TV personality, world traveler, entrepreneur and many other things from Australia's Gold Coast.
If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...
If I had to condense the wisdom of my life into a page to leave as my legacy, here's the most valuable information that I've learned in my life. I hope it inspires you to fully live your dreams.
You know the key to A Brilliant Life as I see it , is to always, always, always listen to yourself first. We all have our own unique guidance system within us that comes from the spirit side of us. It is there to keep us on track to our own unique destiny. Often the road along the way doesn't resemble where we want to go, so we think we are on the wrong road... However, it is just the trip there, and of course it doesn't resemble where we will end up, because we're not there yet. If you plan a trip to London and stop in 4 other countries on the way there, none of them will look like London, but you are still on track to get to London are you not? So, stop judging the trip, and just enjoy it, you will arrive at your true destination in due course. ...
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