It's not how many times you fall that matters but how many times you get back up that counts. ~Grace Hatton

Grace Hatton
Grace is an eighteen year old author of new bestselling book The Guys, The Roses & The Regrets; The Girl to Girl Dating Guide.
If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...
If today were my last day on earth I would tell the world to be thankful. Gratitude is such a simple thing yet so often we forget to be thankful. Every day we face challenges and yes sometimes things don't go our way but more often the small things in our lives go fantastically well. Yet we're so focused on the negative we forget about the small good things in our lives. For me I truly learned about gratitude on a mission trip to South Africa in 2008. I met families in the squatter camps of Johannesburg who had no material possessions, no electricity and no running water yet they were happy. Do you know why they were so happy? They were happy because they knew how to be thankful. The mothers were thankful for their children being healthy, the fathers were thankful to have work and the children were thankful to have a family. The families in South Africa knew that even though they only had a little in truth they had everything. The families in South Africa taught me the true meanin...
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