We cannot solve the problems we have created with the same thinking that created them. ~ Albert Einstein

David Serotko
David is a founder, president and CEO of Multiple Sclerosis Dreams
If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...
After being diagnosed with MS, I realized that anything can happen to anyone, at any time. This was life-changing, but what really woke me up to the world was meeting and talking to a homeless man that I met at a bus stop in Honolulu while working there in July and August 2008. I took a bus to the wrong stop and it was a bad section of town. We had talked for ten minutes or so and then he mentioned that he considered himself houseless, not homeless, as he just had some bad things happen. He also explained that he was not someone who looked to drugs and alcohol to help ease the pain.
This was a strange time in my life as money was tight and the only place I was able to find work was 6,000 miles from my home in Ohio. My wife and I were not in an ideal situation as it was with work, but it struck me that day that many others were a lot worse off then we were. I also realized how close anyone can be to being in this guy's situation. As the bus finally pulled up to our stop, the ma...
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