Today is the most successful day of your life! ~ Melissa Zollo

Melissa Zollo
Melissa is an imagist, an author, a consultant, and an inspirational speaker.
If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...
Unlocking Minds to Create New Realities.
Imagine It ! Feel It! Live The Dream!
Perhaps you can relate to my own personal journey. As an adolescent, I surrendered to other people's beliefs about who I was instead of pursuing the beautiful dreams within me. Surrounded by harshness, my creative heart became crippled by lack of self-confidence. The effects of childhood trauma, rejection, pain, loss, and abuse rooted themselves in my mind. These limiting painful memories created error patterns, fueled by angry and fearful emotions. As a result, I backed away from life and abandoned my dreams.
By the time I turned 21, I knew my past was driving my future as my old negative mental habits kept their strangling hold on my life. But I wanted change. I no longer wanted to be smothered by my inner conflicts or by people with no vision. I became determined to reclaim my life.
My desire for solutions encouraged me to summon the courage to take charge of my inner bluepri...
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