Taste and see that life is good. ~Brenda Shoshanna

Brenda Shoshanna
Brenda is a psychologist, speaker and author of Fearless: The 7 Principles of Peace of Mind.
If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...
The greatest gifts I've received from life have come unexpectedly, sometimes during a time of challenge, other times when I'm engrossed in helping another, and often when I'm simply open and grateful for the great banquet life constantly presents. I've learned to let go of expectations of how things will or should turn out. They don't anyway. The more I let go of my demands on life, the more I receive and the more open I am to the incredible beauty that's all around me.
A long term practitioner of Zen, I am profoundly grateful for this practice, which helps me stop, be still, and become awake to the simple treasures of everyday. I've learned to focus on what I'm doing, to open my hands and say yes to whatever comes along, to let go of judging, rejecting and turning aside from someone who needs me. Of course this is an on-going practice, much like taking a shower and brushing my teeth. The natural tendency can be to do otherwise, to reject, refuse and insist that my life play...
Very nice post.It feels nice to read it....Thanks for sharing here...