Tuesday, August 31, 2010

I hear a lot of people my age complaining about getting older.... At this point I think I'm getting younger. ~ John Barnard

Inspired Quote of the Day

I hear a lot of people my age complaining about getting older.... At this point I think I'm getting younger. ~ John Barnard

Today's Brilliance

John Barnard

John Barnard

John is the president and CEO of Vita-Mix.

If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...

Businesses can and should be mechanisms for doing great God driven things in this world. Money is not bad, unless it becomes the first objective and thus the idol to be sought and worshiped. Many companies know this and succeed in many ways, while they are directed by purposes other than money. Ironically, they also succeed financially, because they have higher goals, not in spite of them. Unfortunately this is harder for public companies, but even many of them do not put money first, and thus reap rewards for themselves and people in general.
I have been blessed in my life, because God chose me to lead Vitamix Corp., and directed my entire life sometimes through other people, for this purpose, including many years when I denied him.

  • Some of the things I have learned from these experiences, that I would suggest to anyone going into business, or even working for a business should keep in mind are:
  • Make sure that even short term decisions are also good for the l...

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  • Monday, August 30, 2010

    Cowboy Wisdom of the Day; 08/30/10

    Your almighty-artistry paints a portrait of mahatma wisdom vast wealth stunning success via your maharishi leadership teaching the masses to experience their life expanding journey in a optimistic sapient way.

    Be free. Demand respect. Share. Appreciate. ~Tim Storm

    Inspired Quote of the Day

    Be free. Demand respect. Share. Appreciate. ~Tim Storm

    Today's Brilliance

    Tim Storm

    Tim Storm

    Tim is the owner and founder of FatWallet.

    If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...

    Don't be afraid to try.
    There are schools across the country teaching that "this" is the way business gets done and we read books and web blogs with all kinds of messages saying "this" is how business is done. You are going to find conflicting ideas, thoughts, and theories and hear what has worked for others, but you won't know what is going to work for you until you try it.

    If it were as easy as what the books say or what we are taught, then everybody would be doing the same thing and nobody would stand out. You really have to stand out and sometimes that means taking a chance on something, and accepting that you are going to fail. The people that I have seen who are successful are the ones that expect to fail. They know that they will get up after each failure and they will learn from it.

    The only real failure is when you don't learn from your mistakes, and you keep repeating them.

    Pride leads to happiness.
    There is a lot of work be...

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    Sunday, August 29, 2010

    Life isn't about me, but I'm about life. ~Devin O'Branagan

    Inspired Quote of the Day

    Life isn't about me, but I'm about life. ~Devin O'Branagan

    Today's Brilliance

    Devin O'Branagan

    Devin O'Branagan

    Devin is the author of many novels, including GLORY, a young adult vampire series launched in 2010.

    If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...

    The original Star Trek series had a memorable episode where there was a planet that allowed anything a person thought of to manifest. The planet was supposed to be used for entertainment purposes, but the unsuspecting Enterprise crew didn't know their thoughts were creating their reality and so suffered accordingly. What a perfect metaphor for our world!

    Human beings are creators and this world is our medium. We were created to create and we do so all the time, whether we are aware of it or not. There's an old saying, "Our creativity is our gift from God, and what we do with it is our gift back to God." Will we choose to create love, forgiveness, health, joy, kindness, prosperity, and peace?" Energy does follow thought.

    Another Hollywood project that spoke to me was the movie Flatliners, about near-death experiences. Its message was that every single thing we do matters. Everything we think, feel, say, do...everything. And it does, because we are creators.

    That sai...

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    Saturday, August 28, 2010

    If you are not where you want to be in life, surround yourself with those who are. ~Brian Schwartz

    Inspired Quote of the Day

    If you are not where you want to be in life, surround yourself with those who are. ~Brian Schwartz

    Today's Brilliance

    Brian Schwartz

    Brian Schwartz

    Brian is the award-winning author of 50 Interviews: Entrepreneurs Thriving in Uncertain times.

    If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...

    The keys to finding fulfillment in life may be different for each of us, but here is what I have discovered to work for me... and the essence of what I've discovered after my nearly 40 years on this wonderful planet. I hope these insights launch you into the next decade with powerful new renewed force and energy.

    I discovered these four distinctions in the 50+ entrepreneurs I interviewed, but I do believe at their core, they also lead to a more fulfilling life:

    1. Embrace a consuming passion by sharing it with others. Surround yourself with others who share your passion and you'll find they fuel that passion to take it further. Like a plant, if you don't give it sunshine to grow, it will die. Never let your passions die! The 'sticky' passions are those more important to others than they are to you. The more you share it, the stronger it becomes. Sharing it can be like adding a drop of Miracle Grow!

    2. Pursue an impersonal goal. When...

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    Thursday, August 26, 2010

    Go for it! Get 'em. ~Kim Dushinski

    Inspired Quote of the Day

    Go for it! Get 'em. ~Kim Dushinski

    Today's Brilliance

    Kim Dushinski

    Kim Dushinski

    Kim is a Mobile Marketing Entrepreneur and author of The Mobile Marketing Handbook .

    If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...

    Life is not an ALL or nothing situation. I've spent a lot of years thinking that it was. Thinking that if I had plenty of time to spend with my family it meant that I couldn't have a successful career. Or that if I had a lot of income coming in that I couldn't or even shouldn't enjoy what I was doing. The either/or scenario seemed to overshadow me.

    But I've started to notice that the times in my life when I am most happy are when I am in "both" mode. Like when I work efficiently during the day and then stop working at night to spend uninterrupted time with my family. Or when I just relax into loving what I have chosen for my career and let the income chips fall where they may.

    Staying in the decision point of choosing one or the other wasted a lot of energy for me. Instead I find that just doing something and choosing to enjoy it while I'm doing it gives me the most satisfaction. The sensation of being fully present in a given moment is quite joyful for me and...

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    Wednesday, August 25, 2010

    Let there be change and let it begin with me. ~Mama Donna Henes

    Inspired Quote of the Day

    Let there be change and let it begin with me. ~Mama Donna Henes

    Today's Brilliance

    Mama Donna Henes

    Mama Donna Henes

    Mama Donna is a renowned Urban Shaman, ritual expert, award-winning author, popular speaker and workshop leader.

    If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...

    One for All and All for One Once and for All

    Recently I was asked to speak about the shamanic point of view of team building with an emphasis on creating alliances and community.

    From a shamanic point of view it is redundant to think of reaching out to build teams, alliances and communities, as we are already all connected. There is no us and them. There is only us. We — all of us who occupy this planet: organic and inorganic; living and not; past, present, and future — are the world.

    We all come from the Earth and return to Her belly. We are all made of the same substance, same as the sea, the soil, the stars. There are, and ever have been, only so many molecules in existence and all the rest — birth, growth, death, development, change, adaptation, transformation, evolution — is really just about recycling.

    We breathe the same air as our cave-dwelling ancestors; inhaling and exhaling, exchanging carbon dioxide and oxygen with our p...

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    Tuesday, August 24, 2010

    It's just you and your thoughts, which you have the power to change at every moment of every day. ~Mabel Katz

    Inspired Quote of the Day

    It's just you and your thoughts, which you have the power to change at every moment of every day. ~Mabel Katz

    Today's Brilliance

    Mabel Katz

    Mabel Katz

    Mabel is an internationally acclaimed speaker, seminar leader, TV show host, author, and consultant.

    If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...

    Discovering the REAL YOU
    The most important question you can ever ask yourself is ";Who Am I?"; Sadly, some of us get so busy ";doing life,"; making money, creating families, running businesses, starting new careers—;that we never really stop to figure out who we really are.

    Until I learned this, I was weighed down by trying to be perfect and do what others expected of me. I believed my happiness was in the material things, and I paid little attention to what my heart really wanted. I only believed in those things I could see or touch.

    My path to self-discovery led me to the principles of the ancient Hawaiian art of Ho'oponopono, which I'm sharing with you here. It changed my life! I started my own business after separating from 20 plus years of marriage. I got out of my own way and began to trust my inner wisdom, letting the part of me that knows best guide me. I let go of opinions and judgments of others, ...

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    Cowboy Wisdom of the Day; 08/24/10

    Your sang-froid sapience enlightens people to expand in the face of chaos and to vacation in utopia cornucopia in a impeccable way.

    Monday, August 23, 2010

    Cowboy Wisdom of the Day; 08/23/10

    Your competent omnipotent self televises your philosophical statesmanship go-getter grit & heartfelt compassion to the universe opening the way for your lavish avalanches of affluent abundances to be broadcasted in all phases of your life now.

    Healthy People~Healthy Planet ~Dr Karen Lee Paquette

    Inspired Quote of the Day

    What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals. ~ Zig Ziglar

    Today's Brilliance

    Dr. Karen Lee Paquette

    Dr. Karen Lee Paquette

    Dr. Karen is the GO Doctor, a preventative medicine expert and the author of Stop Being Stopped.

    If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...

    Healthy People~Healthy Planet

    Imagine a world where people treat themselves, others, and the planet like we treat our newborn babies... We give them limitless unconditional love, strive to predict and exceed their every need, care for, protect, and support them to create a bright, beautiful, successful, and joyous future... What we are doing, in a nutshell, is simply nurturing our baby's health.

    My definition of health includes our physical, mental-emotional, and spiritual health. Whether it be meeting physical needs such as feeding, or mental-emotional needs such as soothing them when they cry, or surrounding them with people who love them or ensuring that their experiences are positive, these are all parts of nurturing the holistic health of a human being. When I say the words 'nurturing health' I mean that every choice we make contributes to our holistic health, in body, mind, heart, and /or spirit.

    In today's day and age I meet people who te...

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    Sunday, August 22, 2010

    Cowboy Wisdom of the Day; 08/22/10

    UR utopian-nobility showcases ur omnipotent spirit escalatng pple N2 enjoyg idyllic rapture unlocks ur lavish avalanchs of copious opulence.

    May your success astonish you. ~ Susan Taylor-Shier

    Inspired Quote of the Day

    May your success astonish you. ~ Susan Taylor-Shier

    Today's Brilliance

    Susann Taylor-Shier

    Susann Taylor-Shier

    Susan is an intuitive counselor, psychotherapist for the heart and soul, teacher, and author of Soul Mastering: Accessing the Gift of Your Soul.

    If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...

    The Soul's Journey is My Song and Life is my Dance

    My success continually astonishes me. I feel very blessed in my life. So I ask my self, what does success mean to me? What does it look like, feel like, and especially, how does it feed me and those I influence.

    To be in love with life itself: that is success to me. I feel successful when I am in the state of thoroughly relishing all that the menu screen of life reveals to me. I feel successful when I can laugh at the crazy dishes that life presents.

    A key to being in love with life itself is to live in the magical field of creation. Yes, the magic is always present. Seeing from the perspective of the Soul that lives in the magic and operates from the magic is vital these days! And it is fun and allows us to know that all is truly well, regardless of how things look on the surface.

    The second key is to live from the heart and Soul. For fifteen years I have helped people at the level of the Soul and I fin...

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    Saturday, August 21, 2010

    If we should only live this life but once, at least I know I live every day as if it's my last. WHAT IS YOUR INSPIRATION?? Find it! ~Jaclyn Mulle

    Inspired Quote of the Day

    If we should only live this life but once, at least I know I live every day as if it's my last. WHAT IS YOUR INSPIRATION?? Find it! ~Jaclyn Mullen

    Today's Brilliance

    Jaclyn Mullen

    Jaclyn Mullen

    Jaclyn is a Grow Model, and was recognized as a 2009 Philanthropist of the Year.

    If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...

    We often hear the term "role model" used in today's society. Role models range in profession, from super athletes to hometown heroes to entertainers and authors. They inspire individuals to reach for their dreams and complete the extraordinary. Of course the context of extraordinary varies for everyone and dreams can vary from running a half Marathon to winning a Grammy award.

    However, for a person to be a role model they don't need to know the individual they are impacting. Most people may never meet their role model, for example, mine happens to be Oprah Winfrey (if you're reading this Oprah, I'd love to grab coffee). For this reason, I have a new term to describe a segment of the "influential" population that participates in impacting the lives of others. I categorize these individuals, myself included, as "Grow" models. You see, we volunteer our time, we mentor in our community and benefit from seeing our impact as those we mentor grow up, mature and move forward.


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    Friday, August 20, 2010

    Cowboy Wisdom of the Day; 08/20/10

    UR hypnotic moxie mesmerizes folks into experiencing copious cornucopia & rapturous nirvana as you fly in your 10 million $ magic lifestyle.

    "What if a movie could create peace, offer hope, or heal an old wound?" ~Anna Darrah

    Inspired Quote of the Day

    Love is the way messengers from the mystery tell us things. ~Rumi

    Today's Brilliance

    Anna Darrah

    Anna Darrah

    Anna is the Director of Acquisitions with The Spiritual Cinema Circle as well as a film maker, producer and writer.

    If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...

    There are times when I need to dig inside of my heart to release the bits that are yelling to be heard- to be manifested. It usually sounds like this:

    I want to feel fulfilled and joyous day after day after day, to be able to truly live in a state of bliss. I want to share that joy and lightness and solidity with everyone around me. I want to wake up every morning and feel totally inspired by the new day's light, knowing that wonderful things are about to happen. I want to scrunch up my face and furrow my brow in effort as I craft a new phrase, dig a hole for a flower or lift a rock to see what's underneath. I want to become unconscious of my outward appearance and scent of success and only relate to and from the richness inside. I want to love truly, deeply and surely with all my heart and soul (and let's not forget body). I want to give recklessly and receive joyously, gracefully, gratefully. I want to feel alive in every cell in my body, to feel stron...

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    Thursday, August 19, 2010

    When we have Love in our midst we are not being fearless, but rather courageous. ~ Eva M. Selhub, MD

    Inspired Quote of the Day

    When we have Love in our midst we are not being fearless, but rather courageous. ~ Eva M. Selhub, MD

    Today's Brilliance

    Dr. Eva Selhub

    Dr. Eva Selhub

    Dr. Eva is the author of The Love Response and an inspirational teacher and healer, guiding us all to take hold of love's power to heal and transform.

    If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...

    I would want to inspire people to believe that anything is possible, especially if we unite and stand together. Love is the key.

    Remember being children? Remember when our imagination allowed us to believe that anything is possible? What happened?

    See, over time, as we have experienced an often difficult and challenging world, one in which fear has become prominent, our mind and hearts have had a hard time staying open and optimistic. Our mind and hearts have started functioning in scarcity mode rather than sufficiency, believing that we were not enough or would not have enough, that perhaps, nothing would ever be enough.

    Now, perhaps more than ever, we find ourselves in a time of great uncertainty and fear. We have become involved in a war that among many other decisions, many of us have not agreed with. Like children crying to be paid attention to, our cries have felt ignored by the adults who act without thinking, possibly causing more harm than good. We have b...

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    Wednesday, August 18, 2010

    Live For Today... Make It Count! ~Robin Firestone

    Inspired Quote of the Day

    Live For Today... Make It Count! ~Robin Firestone

    Today's Brilliance

    Robin Firestone

    Robin Firestone

    Robin is The Home Business Diva, a respected international speaker, and coach in personal development and entrepreneurial success strategies.

    If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...

    Experiencing loss and illness at a very early age, I quickly understood the importance of living every day, and making it count. Be grateful for this ultimate gift called life. I cherish my life and wish for you to embrace your life to the fullest capacity.

    Life is an incredible, and wild adventure... a gift that we sometimes take for granted. Discover your true destiny. We don't know what we don't know. Just imagine what is yet to unfold for you and your role in the universe, when you are ready to become the master of your own mind.

    Discover, learn, and understand that we are all evolving, and expanding. Live each day with purpose and passion. Be the example of strength, courage, truth, integrity and love. Forgiveness is a magical element to living a fulfilling live. Mastering forgiveness will allow you to breathe easier and live with true freedom.

    We are all individually significant, yet together, our significance is greater than we can possibly understand. Have...

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    Tuesday, August 17, 2010

    Cowboy Wisdom of the Day; 08/17/10

    Your brazen-trailblazer lore emancipates your heart gutsiness unleashing your warrior zeal to be the lynx-eyed quick-witted wagon master of your divine destiny as you ride your open range of copious cornucopia.

    How does one live "intentionally?" ~Kristen Schuerlein

    Inspired Quote of the Day

    Fall down seven times, stand up eight. ~Japanese Proverb

    Today's Brilliance

    Kristen Schuerlein

    Kristen Schuerlein

    Kristen is the founder and CEO of Affirmagy, a company dedicated to the notion that words have the power to encourage, enrich and inspire.

    If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...

    How does one live "intentionally?" To me, it means setting goals and making deliberate choices about the life I want to live. It's recognizing my talents and the gifts I have to offer the world, and being thankful for the things the world has given me.

    That may sound overly simplistic, and at the same time appear to be down right daunting. I know it wasn't easy for me. But by listening to my intuition and figuring out what I really want to do in life, I'm loving the life I created.

    Just a year ago I was running a successful graphic design and marketing company with my business partner. We were at the top of our game, with an impressive backlog of business. But there was another idea that was in the back ground, one I knew deserved to get up off the napkin.

    My intuition said I should follow that path and really put some energy behind it. But my head said, wait a minute, this is a totally unknown. How can I change careers and leave the company that I spent ...

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    Monday, August 16, 2010

    Live Life In The Front Row! ~Jon Vroman

    Inspired Quote of the Day

    Live Life In The Front Row! ~Jon Vroman

    Today's Brilliance

    Jon Vroman

    Jon Vroman

    Jon is a speaker, an author and a coach, as well as the founder of the Front Row Foundation.

    If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...

    • Be a strategic architect for the environment of your life; nothing will impact your life more than the information you consume and people you associate with. Relationships are THE key to happiness; choose your friends carefully
    • Find peace in forgiveness; both in yourself and others
    • Learn to express compassion while holding yourself and others to high standards
    • Ask yourself and others quality questions and listen intently
    • Having extraordinary relationships is more often about becoming the right person than finding the right person
    • Learn how to meet other people's needs without neglecting your own needs
    • Do not shrink yourself in order to please others - live fully
    • Refuse to get wrapped up in drama and negativity; we see what we seek in ourselves and others. Get fascinated not frustrated; curious not critical
    • Value the wisdom of others while following your heart
    • Develop...

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    Sunday, August 15, 2010

    Cowboy Wisdom of the Day; 08/15/10

    YOU ARE stalwart-stature orbits the earth expressing awe-inspiring zeal expanding peoples sharp-acuity 2 enjoy cosmic serenity as you live in copious richs.

    Consider this amazing fact: what you give attention to grows.~Kathyln & Gay Handricks

    Inspired Quote of the Day

    Man is made God's plaything, and that is the best part of him. Therefore every man and woman should live life accordingly, and play the noblest games...what, then, is the right way of living? Life must be lived as play. ~ Plato, Laws

    Today's Brilliance

    Kathlyn and Gay Hendricks

    Kathlyn and Gay Hendricks

    Among other things, Kathlyn and Gay contribute to the field of body/mind integration and therapies.

    If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...

    Consider this amazing fact: what you give attention to grows. So no matter where you are right now in your life, if you practice three magic moves, you can expand your vitality and creativity while continuing to open a flow of love and connection with others.

    The three moves:
    1. Do your best to speak honestly, rather than concealing the truth. When you focus your attention on noticing your body sensations and describing them, sharing your feelings as they arise, and especially sharing what's familiar in any conflict, you immediately open more aliveness in you. You also solve problems more quickly and free up lots more free time for creating and connecting.

    2. Take healthy responsibility, wonder rather than blaming others. When you catch yourself blaming yourself or others, simply take a breath to be present with what's happening, then create a pleasant "hmmm" sound either out loud or inside yourself. Then add this powerful question: "Hmmm..., I won...

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    Saturday, August 14, 2010

    If you are not passionately pursuing your purpose then you are not living at all, you're only existing ~Cherilyn Vonn

    Inspired Quote of the Day

    No one can make you feel inferior without your permission. ~ Eleanor Roosevelt

    Today's Brilliance

    Cherilyn Vonn

    Cherilyn Vonn

    Cherilyn is the CEO of Unveiling the Mask Enterprises, as well as a transformational speaker, a life coach, and a mother of three.

    If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...

    As I sit reminiscing over my life and the profound words of wisdom I would like to share with all of humanity, they would be the pearls of wisdom that I govern my life by.

    Live purposefully: Are you living your purpose? Are you living your making or simply making a living? If you are not passionately pursuing your purpose then you are not living at all, you're only existing.

    Give gratefully: There is enough to go around. The only walls of lack and limitation are the ones that we build ourselves. The universe is abundant and honors a cheerful giver. Give what you have to those in need knowing that all that you stand in the need of will come to you ten- fold.

    Love unconditionally: Learn to live and let live by accepting people as they are and not who we want them to be. We are all here in this journey called life, learning our lessons as best we can.

    Think abundantly: As a man thinketh, so is he! You can have, be or do all that you desire to have, be or do. Sto...

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