It's just you and your thoughts, which you have the power to change at every moment of every day. ~Mabel Katz

Mabel Katz
Mabel is an internationally acclaimed speaker, seminar leader, TV show host, author, and consultant.
If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...
Discovering the REAL YOU
The most important question you can ever ask yourself is ";Who Am I?"; Sadly, some of us get so busy ";doing life,"; making money, creating families, running businesses, starting new careers—;that we never really stop to figure out who we really are.
Until I learned this, I was weighed down by trying to be perfect and do what others expected of me. I believed my happiness was in the material things, and I paid little attention to what my heart really wanted. I only believed in those things I could see or touch.
My path to self-discovery led me to the principles of the ancient Hawaiian art of Ho'oponopono, which I'm sharing with you here. It changed my life! I started my own business after separating from 20 plus years of marriage. I got out of my own way and began to trust my inner wisdom, letting the part of me that knows best guide me. I let go of opinions and judgments of others, ...
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