Knowing that death is certain and that the time of death is uncertain, what's the most important thing? ~Pema Chodron

Michael Bungay Stanier
Michael is the founder of Box of Crayons and the author of the book Do More Great Work.
If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...
I've got 500 words.
I've got 12,258 days.
I know that because I've sat down and calculated when - statistically at least - I'm going to die.
I know this may strike some of you as a tad morbid. But a memento mori is a time honored tradition - if you see a skull in a 17th Century painting, that's what that's all about.
But back to me.
September 15, 2043 is the big date.
Let's say that gives me 33 years or so left to kick around this planet of ours, with 42 years already under my belt.
Stewart Brand - author of a range of terrific books including Whole Earth Discipline - says that it takes about five years to do a big project, a Great Work Project.
That's mastering a role, writing a book, starting a company, whatever it might be for you.
So that gives me six, maybe seven big things left to do.
If, that is, I step up and take on the challenge.
If I don't drown in busywork and spend the next thirty years thinkin...
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