Deep in our core lives the magnificent wild human-animal, passionately yearning for relationship with the living Earth. ~Robin Easton

Robin Easton
Robin is a speaker, a nature photographer, musician, an adventurer and the author of Naked in Eden.
If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...
I rarely feel a desire to teach other people how to live or love. Why is this? I experience each person I meet as already "being Love"; as already being intelligent, whole, and with the ability to discover for themselves who they are and what life means to them. I find it more meaningful to simply love others, to listen without judgment and to infuse them with so much joy, laughter, tears and passion that we both are left hungering for Life. When we hunger enough, we find our own way.
I believe we are all born fully knowing. It is often only a matter of trusting that we know, trusting that we are already whole. All too often we doubt our born-with intelligence. We give up our power to teachers, gurus and books. We stop listening to our passionate hearts.
Often when we can't find a reflection in the world of what feel, we let doubt take over, and we abandon ourselves, insights and creativity. I often think of something my father once told me. "Robin, liste...
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