If you do not practice for a day, you will know. If you do not practice for a week, your accompanist will know. If you do not practice for a fortnight, your audience will know.
~ VR Venkataraman

Aishwarya Venkataraman
Aishwarya is a South Indian classical violinist.
If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...
It was my sixth birthday. My father and I were driving back after an awesome birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese. The radio was tuned to FM 89.3 our local NPR station with an interview with tennis legend Martina Navaratilova. When asked what she would like to tell aspiring tennis stars on a practice routine, she replied and I quote "Practice till your wrist hurts and then practice for one more hour".
I have lived by this regimen for the last nine years of my life. My name is Aishwarya Venkataraman. I am a junior at Long Beach Polytechnic high school and I am a performing violinist. I play two styles of music, which include music of South India called Carnatic music and Jazz. Both styles of music have one common bond. They both are improvised. My early recollections of music go back to when I was 18 months. I clearly remember the day when my father brought home my first violin. It was a 1/16th violin. I started learning the Suzuki method. I met my Indian teacher Prof. TN Krishnan...
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