The jump is so frightening between where I am and where I want to be; because of all I may become, I will close my eyes and leap. ~Maryanne Radmacher

Monique Coleman
One of the stars of High School Musical, Monique is passionately committed to motivating teens to find their own voice and live up to their potential.
If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...
Life is really a lot simpler than it seems. We typically make things more complicated than they need to be. Don't take anything or anyone (especially yourself) too seriously. Someone once said to me "Nothing is life or death, unless it is literally life or death." I have found this to be true.
RELAX. Remember that you always have a choice in how you react to things. You can let challenging situations or circumstances hold you back, or you can allow them to propel you forward. If you live your life knowing that everything is happening for you instead of to you, you'll start to see the opportunity for miracles through adversity, and GROW.
Learn to let go. When something no longer serves you, let it go. You have to make room for your dreams. Holding on to things, situations, or people out of fear will only create a barrier between you and your deepest desires.
HAVE FAITH. One of my favorite quotes on faith says "When you come to end of all the light you k...
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