It's not our life that determines how we live, it's how we LIVE that determines our life. ~Sallie Felton

Sallie Felton
Sallie is a life coach and transition specialist, international talk radio host, author and motivational speaker.
If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...
B.E. Y.O.U.R.S.E.L.F. Let me share this acronym:
B = Be yourself
E = Escape into nature
Y = Yuck it up! Laugh
O = Offer a helping hand
U = Use humor daily
R = Relax by nurturing yourself
S = Simplify your life
E = Engage with others
L = Listen more, talk less
F = Face your fears
Being yourself comes from a place of authenticity and empowerment. It is not losing your voice, but saying your truth. It is accepting all of you your strengths and your weaknesses.
When you are Escaping into nature there is a rekindling of the heart/soul from a cellular level. It is leaving the myriad of daily to do tasks, all the distractions and becoming quiet, observant and curious with the beauty around you. What can you see that you did not yesterday?
Nothing brings you to life as laughter, so Yuck it up! The saying "Laughter is the best medicine" is more potent than you could ever imagine. When was the last time you had a...
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