Spiritual Healing is not just becoming free from pain, it is realizing that you were never really trapped. ~ James Keeley

James Keeley
James is a spiritual healer and the author of Walking With God.
If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...
The greatest power in the universe is faith. The same force that gives rise to the longings in our heart is guiding our lives towards their fulfillment. Like wind in our sails, when we let go and allow the Divine breezes of support and insight to direct our lives we discover a happiness and contentment beyond what we could have dreamed of for ourselves.
Fear tells us that we can only be happy in certain situations and as long as such and such does or does not happen. Unfortunately, it is these ideas of what will make us happy that keep us from experiencing true happiness.
The One who created us had an end in mind when were fashioned but we have no idea what that creation looks like and therefore have no idea what experiences we must go through in order to catalyze our becoming.
We have, however, been given clues. These clues come in the form of our heart's deepest longings.
There is a difference between longing for something and having the internal stat...
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