Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans. ~John Lennon

Sarah Ezekiel
Sarah is a proud mother, writer and blogger with MND who shares her experience in many ways, from publications to the advertisement Sarah's Story.
If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...
Imagine being told that your life is going to end very soon. Then imagine being told that before you die you are going to become progressively disabled. This is what I was confronted with ten years ago. This is not the type of news that most people will ever have to deal with, thankfully. But everyone will be challenged in their lives at some point, either mentally, physically or both.
How should we deal with such challenges, especially life changing events? I believe that our biggest enemy is fear. It can totally paralyse a person and stop us living a full and contented life. We feel fear when our future becomes uncertain, perhaps because of illness or loss. The only way to dispel this fear is to live in the present at all times. Thinking about future, unpleasant possibilities will give your fear more energy and block positive thoughts. Easier said than done, I know. I've found that reiki, meditation and hypnotherapy are all good tools... along with some stubbornness! <...
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