The heart that forgives embraces all things and overflows with unconditional love. ~Mimi Gabriel

Mimi Gabriel
Mimi is an author, speaker and workshop leader.
If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...
From The Happiest Woman, Mimi Gabriel.
A few years ago, I was given a glimpse of what eternity must be like: the intense, pure, twirling, dazzling, pale turquoise light I saw during a spiritual healing, behind my closed eyes, penetrated my soul. I wanted to remain in its presence forever. This amazing light represented divine love to me. It confirmed my belief that beyond this world is another realm where all beings go back to the Source we all originally came from.
The beliefs I held prior to the episode with the light were profoundly altered that day.
I can tell you this: You are fully responsible for the choices you make and the paths you take. There are lessons to be learned along the way and you must share with others what is enhancing the quality of your life. Some of the most important lessons I learned are about the need to express gratitude, the need to forgive, and the need to make happiness our life's purpose.
On gratitude: the more thankful you a...