Never go cheap on your boobs or feet. Supportive bras and shoes will take you far in life. ~my 77-year-old mother who still treks around the globe

Liz Holzemer
Liz is a freelance writer, speaker, meningioma brain tumor survivor and author of Curveball: When Life Throws You a Brain Tumor.
If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...
Trust your inner voice.
Thankfully I trusted mine a decade ago when it spoke up very loudly and urged me to listen to my body's signals that something was awry. Something very awry. My inner voice urged me to ask my doctors why I was having frequent migraines. Why I heard swishing in my ears that sounded like waves crashing on the beach. Why I experienced déjà vu sensations. Why I couldn't become pregnant. As a journalist, I had to continue my investigation and find the missing piece to this baffling story. My inner voice and gut instinct finally convinced doctors to order an MRI.
The MRI results delivered the most devastating news of my life—I had a meningioma brain tumor the size of a baseball pressed up against my right optic nerve, carotid artery and sinus cavity. The irony wasn't lost on me and my husband, a major league pitcher at the time. My neurosurgeon was stunned I'd even walked into his office. He told my husband I was days away from slip...
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