If you believe you can, you can! ... and if you don't believe it, you are correct, it is not possible for you. ~ Carla Picardi

Carla Picardi
Carla helps people create their vision, both physical and non-physical, from micro to macro.
If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...
There are a few things I have found helpful to promote living a life filled with meaning and significance, the practice of which has made a profound impact on my inner peace and well being. I guess it is fair to say that I am usually filled with energy, enthusiasm and passion. So finding a place of calm is no small undertaking! I am sharing these things that I call ~ the world according to Carla ~ as a way to note that it is not the truth, it is my truth:
Live in the present moment - We always hear people say this and it sounds easy. In reality, most people are bouncing from past to future in a single bound never stopping at present to breathe and ask how am I now. Besides meditating, focusing on the heart and breathing deeply are some things that immediately bring one into that place. The more I focus on the heart, breathe deeply and low in the body, the more I am connecting to the present.
It is all an illusion, so make it a good one, a beautiful one! In my life, I cal...
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