The blues are the roots, the rest are the fruits. ~ WC Handy

Deremiah *CPE
Deremiah is an entrepreneur, an international speaker, and a Nightingale Conant Acres of Diamonds award winner.
If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...
"You better get ready to change lives for the better!"
That's what I LIVE for. This life is not for the passion-less but for the PASSIONATE. You can't afford to live like you have nothing to lose. And until you completely live FREE of what can be lost you will never soar beyond who you are now. You must be completely willing to lose. Your Destiny gains power with each moment of deep inner belief. This life is what's really at risk...so leave nothing for the grave yard because it's not worthy of the dreams you carry within. All that has been poured into me must be poured out of me before I leave here. "Nothing Left" is what I leave behind because I am willing to give it all up. If it is to be, it's up to me.
What I bring to the world in a magnetically charged manner is the heart to live boldly, genuinely and authentically. The legacy I pass on to you today is to live in the here and NOW. Live each and every day as if it were your last. Why? Because lif...
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