When we decide to open our eyes and be fully awake, we realize that much of the suffering is a self-created illusion. If we can trick ourselves into being the victim of our own misery, then surely we can just as easily volunteer for self-determined joy. ~Lisa Cypers Kamen

Lisa Cypers Kamen
Lisa is life coach, teacher, designer, author, speaker and the documentary filmmaker of H-Factor...Where Is Your Heart?.
If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...
Here are a few of the best lessons I can happily share:
1. Life is tough:
Agreed, life is filled with trials and tribulations. To say one is happy all the time is a lie. To know happiness is available at any time is a truth. Happiness will not wait for us. Happiness will not invite us to the party. We must invite ourselves to say, "yes", diving deeply and happily into life...all of it...the ups, downs, twists and turns of our miraculous journey.
Happiness exists in tandem with adversity. Happiness waits in all the nooks and crannies to be embraced and celebrated ...ready at any moment. True and lasting joy emanates from thoughts, feelings, perceptions, actions and choices supported by positive self-esteem that oozes worthiness.
2. Nobody can tell us what makes us happy:
Society often dictates what we falsely believe creates happiness. Financial success, material wealth, finding the right partner and being part of the right group/club are some...
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