You cannot take a future or a past breath. The breath is definitively always in the present. ~ Rabia Hayek

Rabia Hayek
Rabia is the visionary and creator of the BreatheTogether Conscious FlowTM method.
If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...
In today's world of transformation and the emerging consciousness of positive human potential, the word inspire is very often uttered into the air. "I'm inspired." "You inspire me." "That was inspiring." We are often inspired by those teachers and role models that speak most directly to our hearts, but what does the word inspire really mean?
It comes from the Latin 'in' which means 'inside' or 'to infuse with' and 'spirare' which means 'breath'. In essence to inspire is to infuse with breath! An alternate meaning is to breathe life into! When I found this out I wanted to share it with all my brothers and sisters of the planet so loudly as to reverberate their hearts with a rekindled respect for the power of the conscious breath.
Take a moment and think about everything in your life that is inspiring and just breathe it deeply and slowly into you. Infuse it into your being by letting it ride your breaths. Let your visions and dreams ride in ...
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