A journey of a thousand doesn't BEGIN with a single step. It IS a single step. ~ Steven Sashen

Steven Sashen
Known as the Anti-Guru, Steven is a retired entrepreneur, a transformational teacher, and the creator of the Instant Advanced Meditation Course.
If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...
You're not broken.
I don't care what "issues" you think you have, what "patterns" you seem to be living, what "childhood traumas" you believe are the cause of your problems. All of those are simply theories about why things are the way they are.
And worse, they're not even good theories. Oh, sure, they're compelling stories -- like a good book or an engaging movie -- but that's it.
Your relationship with your father causing relationship problems now? Just a theory made up by someone trying to make a name for themselves or fill up a workshop.
Having relationship problems doesn't mean you're broken.
Not successful because you don't "think like a millionaire"? Complete fiction created with the common human thinking error that everything looks obvious and reproducible... in hindsight.
Having financial difficulties does not mean you're broken.
In fact, nobody has ever given me one piece of "proof" to support the idea tha...
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