Go Confidently in the direction of your dreams, Live the Life you've imagined. ~ Henry David Thoreau

Kelly Bouchard
Kelly is a motivational speaker, trainer and dream maker, and the president of Bouchard International!
If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...
Do you celebrate Joy Day?
What? You've never heard of it? When is it? As soon as news of it reaches you, it's Joy Day! Actually you can make any day Joy Day.
Today is a fresh brand new day. Twenty four hours to do whatever your heart desires! How great can you make it? I mean really forget everything on your to do list and let's commit to making this the very best Joy Day ever -- until the next one of course!
Start with creating your very own Joy. Let go of the same old same old and do something new by devoting this day to your joyful self. What is it that would make your heart sing out loud today? Whatever it is do it! Call up that friend you haven't connected with in a long time or go watch a really great movie. Put on some upbeat music, turn it up and get your body moving. Let your Spirit soar with joy and passion. Ignite the greatness living inside of you. Crank it up.
For the next 24 hours be different, be daring you can always go back to your old se...
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