The most profound spiritual truth is that which we discover and share... as creators, a profound expression of being is through business. ~ Lynn Scheurell

Lynn Scheurell
Known as the Creative Catalyst, Lynn works with soul-driven entrepreneurs to strengthen their inner and outer systems to create fast business results.
If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...
The things I know for sure at this point are deceptively simple in mere words, but they are as follows:
As you evolve, your world evolves - it all starts with your own development. Grow with every challenge to give you the opportunity for transformative healing. Align with what feels right; your spirit knows more than your conscious mind. Trust and let it grow you to match the infinite consciousness of your being.
You are creating your reality; own what you've created so far to give yourself the permission and the power to create your new future. Be conscious in every aspect of living including your discoveries and your commitments. When you are present, there is no such thing as default outcomes. Know that where you are now is not a predictor of where you will be - it's just where you are right now.
Follow your own wisdom and know what you know - take action accordingly. It might fly in the face of external circumstances, situations, relationsh...
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