Sunday, February 27, 2011

I believe 'we the people' are who make the difference in the world. ~Rosanne D'Ausilio Ph.D

Inspired Quote of the Day

What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls a butterfly. ~ Richard Bach

Today's Brilliance

Rosanne D'Ausilio Ph.D

Rosanne D'Ausilio Ph.D

Rosanne is an industrialist psychologist known as the Champion for the Human in a very high tech world.

If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...

We, the People

The preamble to the most powerful document, the US Constitution reads, "We, the people." I believe 'we the people' are who make the difference in the world. There is a lot of new, state-of-the-art technology available today, and I admit I too am a user of it, but technology supports the humans, it doesn't replace them.

In the customer service industry, the largest percentage of budget dollars goes to the labor force. So naturally companies are looking or ways to economize, and the first place they look is to the people. They say to themselves, 'how can I reduce my labor costs without necessarily firing staff? We'll bring in new software, new hardware, a new phone system, we'll use speech technology, etc. etc.' What I believe they lose sight of is the fact that for simple things we are all willing to push 1 for this or 2 for that. Self service is great for repetitive inquiries, input, or ...

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Saturday, February 26, 2011

Open your mind to unlimited possibilities. ~ Joe Nunziata

Inspired Quote of the Day

Open your mind to unlimited possibilities. ~ Joe Nunziata

Today's Brilliance

Joe Nunziata

Joe Nunziata

Joe is an internationally known speaker, energy healer and bestselling author of Spiritual Selling, Finding Your Purpose and No More 9 to 5.

If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...

Many years ago I read the biography of Napoleon Hill. If you are not familiar with Hill; he is the author of one of the most influential books in history "Think and Grow Rich." This book is considered by many to be the precursor to the psychology of success programs we have today.

Napoleon Hill was a young writer commissioned by billionaire Andrew Carnegie to find out why people are successful. Carnegie was a billionaire at the turn of the century, so his wealth would exceed that of even Bill Gates today.

The question Carnegie wanted answered was, "Why are some people so successful while others who seemingly work just as hard never achieve a great level of success?" Carnegie told Hill that he would introduce him to the most successful men in the world. He would give him the opportunity to question them regarding their philosophy for business and life. There was one catch; Hill would not be paid one dime for the project.

Hill realized the magnitude of the...

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Friday, February 25, 2011

Life is about stripping bare and building up, in a constant repeating oscillation. ~Michael Bedar

Inspired Quote of the Day

After so many years and lifetimes, Of thinning this glass ceiling of illusion, So suddenly, The mind just shattered. ~ Rabbi Gabriel Cousens, M.D.

Today's Brilliance

Michael Bedar

Michael Bedar

Michael is the development director of the Joy of Learning Center of San Rafael, for the Movement to Reverse Diabetes Naturally of the Bay Area.

If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...

One of the most fun things in life is when we get to take our clothes off, is it not? Another of the most fun things in life is when we get to put clothes on because it means!

Life is about stripping bare and building up, in a constant repeating oscillation. Rarely are we in a full monty or a full dress-up in life, right? The trick while in this grey area is to keep the enthusiasm of the pure strip and the high regalia, while walking the normal path of life what EVER that is for you.

Life, stripped down to the essence, is being completely open with gratitude for the energy of beingness that is noncausally joyful, peaceful, and contented. Yet, life also is being dressed up to our full potential ripeness and maturity, dancing the details of the fullness of family and creative service. This is why there is rapture in the regular. In that very regular moment, there exists the manifestation of a destiny that is given specifically to each of us; ...

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Thursday, February 24, 2011

'What are the 10,000,000 ways to express love?' ~Susyn Reeve

Inspired Quote of the Day

If not now, when? ~ Mikhail Gorbachev

Today's Brilliance

Susyn Reeve

Susyn Reeve

Susyn is the author of Choose Peace and Happiness and cofounder of and

If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...

I apprenticed with don Miguel Ruiz many years ago. I repeatedly heard him say, "There are 10,000,000 ways to express your love." There was something about this statement that echoed through me and yet I didn't immediately explore what it actually meant in my daily life.

Then one morning while on a journey in Teotihuacan, Mexico, with don Miguel, I heard him repeat the words, "There are 10,000,000 ways to express your love." This time, rather than simply echoing through my mind, the words took up residence.

As I walked the grounds and climbed the pyramids of this sacred Aztec site my focus was first directed inward as I asked myself, 'What are the 10,000,000 ways to express love?' Some obvious ones popped into my mind: hugging, giving compliments, remembering special occasions of family and friends, making love...and then I had a thought: look around you all day today and see the ways people are expressing their love.

So my eyes focused outward with t...

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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Erica Pinsky - speaker, an author, and a consultant passionate about promoting respectful, profitable workplace cultures.

Inspired Quote of the Day

What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Today's Brilliance

Erica Pinsky

Erica Pinsky

Erica is a speaker, an author, and a consultant passionate about promoting respectful, profitable workplace cultures.

If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...

Have you ever felt powerless or victimized? Have you ever been so filled with fear that you are almost paralyzed?

I have. When my husband died in May 2002, leaving me to run my consulting business and raise our five year old daughter on my own, I was terrified.

All of us feel fear. Sometimes fear can help keep us and those we love safe. More often, however, fear can imprison us. It can keep us trapped in a mindset of negativity and doubt. For the next couple of minutes I'd like you to think about fear - and whether it is holding you back or empowering you.

I work with employees who have experienced disrespectful behaviour like discrimination, harassment, and bullying at work. These targeted individuals often think things will get worse if they speak out. Despite name calling, sarcastic remarks, yelling, public humiliation, or racial slurs, victims often choose to remain silent. Their fear of "what might happen if" keeps them trapped in a bad situation and ...

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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A good gift, like so many things in life, takes one to talk and one to listen.~ Nick Kellet

Inspired Quote of the Day

A good gift, like so many things in life, takes one to talk and one to listen.~ Nick Kellet

Today's Brilliance

Nick Kellet

Nick Kellet

Nick is the creator and publisher of the awardwinning party game GiftTRAP.

If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...

Learning "who you are" is not as easy as it sounds, but the sooner you figure it, the quicker you will get where you want to go and most importantly be happy on your journey.

It's very simple - surround yourself with things you love and most of the rest of the stuff take care of themselves.

I've been lucky enough so far to have 3 jobs (2 with "small cool fashion companies and big personality CEOs" and 1 effectively "running a startup inside a big company") and 3 startups (1 "failed startup", 1 "sell out success" and 1 "work in progress").

Most of the time I've viewed work as a fun thing I loved to do. I've pursued challenges along the way with such a passion that I mostly forget it's actually a job.

I must confess there are downsides to liking work too much. I'm jealous of people who have an "off" switch and I'm not talking about people who tune out by never tuning "in".

As a result of mostly...

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Monday, February 21, 2011

Think it, Ink it, Be it. ~ Jen Blackert

Inspired Quote of the Day

Think it, Ink it, Be it. ~ Jen Blackert

Today's Brilliance

Jen Blackert

Jen Blackert

Known as the Attraction Diva, Jen is an author, a speaker and a coach.

If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...

Jen Blackert's Top 10 Life Lessons for Humanity

1. TRUTH: Let go of all your inner struggles or fights by accepting what is. What IS the truth? When you accept what is, you can then choose to keep what you may not want or change it. So be impeccable with your true word, so you can accept and see what is - this will allow you to make conscious decisions to change it what you don't like. "...The truth will set you free." John 8:32

2. PASSION: Listen to the desires and passions in your heart. There is reason for these passions - you see -- your passions are your divine path. Spirit guides us with our feelings within - go within or go without.

3. SEE: See yourself living your dreams now. Hold the vision and make your decisions based on what you see. It really is that simple.

4. EXPERIENCE: Too often we find ourselves "doing" things and not "experiencing" life. Be in life and stop "doing" things to get things done. The great Taoist master Lao Tzu said, "Do...

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Sunday, February 20, 2011

We are life's perpetual trainees, always preparing for the future. ~ Stephen Hopson

Inspired Quote of the Day

We are life's perpetual trainees, always preparing for the future. ~ Stephen Hopson

Today's Brilliance

Stephen Hopson

Stephen Hopson

Stephen is a motivational speaker, an author, a blogger and a pilot, born profoundly deaf.

If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...

My all-time favorite saying is that we are life's perpetual trainees, always learning, growing and preparing for the future.

For several years after my deafness was first discovered at the age of 3, I didn't understand why I was born without the ability to hear. While growing up, I was a happy-lucky-go kid on the outside, but quite angry inside. As I got older, I resented the fact that I couldn't hear and do the things my peers were doing including things like talking on the phone and whispering something nothings in each other's ears in a darkened movie theatre, to name a few.

With a slew of significant moments throughout my life, I've experienced transformational life changes like the day my fifth grade teacher uttered three simple words, forever changing my life and the day God spoke to me on the beach while on vacation from Wall Street.

On that fateful day in my fifth grade class, all that had happened was that I was respond...

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Saturday, February 19, 2011

Author of Carole's Story: A Scottish Gem. ~Michele Rodger

Inspired Quote of the Day

In this vast scheme of life we are rewarded in direct proportion to the value we create for others. ~ Allen D’ Angelo

Today's Brilliance

Michele Rodger

Michele Rodger

Michele is the author of Carole's Story: A Scottish Gem.

If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...

If today were my last day on Earth I'd have a lot to share and say, but I will keep it short and succinct!

I'd start with sharing words from Padre Pio "Pray, hope, and don't worry. Worry is useless. God will hear your prayers." I think this line is so is okay not to worry, because it really doesn't serve us in any shape or form. It's all about living life to its fullest and you can't do that if you are worrying.

I'm an author...I never intended to be an author, but when I saw my sister-in-law at age 42 deteriorate in front of my eyes from stage 4 breast cancer, it changed me in a profound way.

Life is precious...I always knew this, but I now remind myself everyday how precious it really is...I look at the sky in a different way and appreciate its little nuances. I appreciate the little things in life like waking up and being healthy, which turns out are the big things. I made a promise to myself to honor Carole's zest for life, and one I now lo...

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Friday, February 18, 2011

We all have greatness within us that is waiting for us to believe. Once we believe, the foundation is in place for our greatness to take a foothold an

Inspired Quote of the Day

We all have greatness within us that is waiting for us to believe. Once we believe, the foundation is in place for our greatness to take a foothold and grow. ~ Deidre Hughey

Today's Brilliance

Deidre Hughey

Deidre Hughey

Deidre is a nationally recognized speaker and the author of the book I Am Bound and Determined: The Must Read Guide for Women of Childhood Abuse and T

If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...


As an adult, I made comfortable choices. And why shouldn't I? My childhood was a barrage of chores (I grew up on a farm) before the innocence of it all was stripped from me in the form of sexual child abuse. The roller coaster that followed looked something like: fear, self-doubt, self-blame, depression, self-loathing, self-abuse, suicidal, recovery, more self-doubt, drugs, fear...

Once I was able to control my life, my goal was to be comfortable at all costs. I made choices that made me feel good, satisfied, and relaxed. "After all," I thought to myself, "don't I deserve to be comfortable?"

The problem with comfort is how deceptive it is. Sure, on the surface, it looks like a good idea. Heck, it feels like a good idea. But in my never-ending efforts to make myself more comfortable, I had actually made myself unhappy and stuck. I was making absolutely no effort to move forward in my life.

Comfort lures you with promises of immedi...

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Thursday, February 17, 2011

Feel frequently fascinated. ~ Edie Weinstein-Moser

Inspired Quote of the Day

Feel frequently fascinated. Boredom is a state of mind. An entire universe was created for your delight. Wonder what will happen in the next moment and live in joyous anticipation. Live juicy! ~ Edie Weinstein-Moser

Today's Brilliance

Edie Weinstein Moser

Edie Weinstein Moser

Edie is a renaissance woman, freelance journalist, workshop facilitator, interfaith minister, radio talk show host, and Cuddle Party facilitator.

If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...

As I am taking a deep breath on a crisply vibrant morning, before setting fingers to keyboard, I am humbled by the magnitude of this question. Having turned 50 a few weeks ago, I gaze back at the previous chapters of my life with a blend of bewildered awe and 'if I knew then what I know now'. I imagine the steps and turns in the dance that has become my life and the various partners with whom I have taken them and it seems that it has all been perfect and then along comes a sense of wistfulness and 'if only'. The words of what I call the shortened version of the Serenity Prayer come to mind - 'it is what it is.' Many of my teachers and mentors throughout the years, have encouraged acceptance of events and people 'as is'. I can fight what is, kicking and screaming (metaphorically speaking) or I can surrender, with equanimity.

I enjoy living a full, rich, juicy life, being frequently fascinated - never bored.

Relationship is...

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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Mirabai Starr is a writer, a translator, a speaker, and a teacher.

Inspired Quote of the Day

There is a secret medicine given only to those who hurt so hard they cannot hope. The hopers would feel slighted if they knew. ~ Rumi

Today's Brilliance

Mirabai Starr

Mirabai Starr

Mirabai is a writer, a translator, a speaker, and a teacher.

If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...

I make a living speaking and writing about silence. Isn't that hilarious? But the mystical path is all about paradox. The emptiness that is plenitude. The fire that is elixir. The longing that is the remedy for longing. Mystics are not interested in logical arguments to prove the existence of divine reality. They want direct experience of divine reality. They do not pay much attention to questions of morality. They want to be consumed with love. The mystic is the person who is inexorably drawn to the Great Mystery. The person who wants to drown in that Mystery, to allow her small self to burn up like a moth in the flame that is the Divine Beloved, and become one with the source of all love.

How do you speak about that? How do you write about that which transcends all language, all concepts? Words are merely the finger pointing at the moon. If the words are true and beautiful enough, listeners will look up and behold the glory with their own eyes.

This is the power of...

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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

You may encounter situations where you need to compromise, but never compromise your standards. ~ Carol Roth

Inspired Quote of the Day

You may encounter situations where you need to compromise, but never compromise your standards. ~ Carol Roth

Today's Brilliance

Carol Roth

Carol Roth

Carol is an investment banker, business strategist, author and dealmaker who helps companies grow and make more money.

If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...

The most important thing to me is to always have pride in yourself and be authentic, whatever that means to you personally. If everything else in the world were to go away- the money, the titles, the material possessions- make sure that you can stand behind your name and your decisions. Your name and the way you act are your legacy. If you do something, do it 100% if you say something, stand behind what you say. Be willing to tell someone the truth that they may not want to hear (if asked and it comes from good intentions). You may piss off some people along the way and that is good- everyone with a strong point of view does!

I also think it is incredibly important to be driven to fulfill your needs and goals based on your own circumstances and opportunities. Just because you can do something, doesn't mean that you should and that the rewards will justify the risks for you. You will be happiest if you live your life based on your own wants, needs and opportunities, not someo....

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Sunday, February 13, 2011

Say “yes” to yourself and your dreams… ~ Nancy Brook

Inspired Quote of the Day

Say “yes” to yourself and your dreams… ~ Nancy Brook

Today's Brilliance

Nancy Brook

Nancy Brook

Nancy is the author of Cycling, Wine and Men: A Midlife Tour of France.

If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...

Care enough about yourself to live your dreams.

Sometimes when I ask people about their dreams, an awkward silence ensues before the subject changes. It's almost as if there's a fear to admit to themselves what would make their heart sing. Their thinking must be something life this:

"If I open my awareness to my dreams, that means I'll have to do something. But right now I can't. I have so many obligations I'll have to say no to my dreams. So why create the pain of even imaging these possibilities anyway?"

At least, this characterized my thinking about fulfilling my dream to visit France. For more than 25 years, I longed to go there, but life seemed to get in the way. College, marriage, work, a baby, divorce, single parenthood, a master's degree—all came first. I'd judge myself anytime the thought came up to travel to France: That's such a stupid idea! You don't have the money to spend on something so frivolous. What kind of a parent goes off to France ...

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Thursday, February 10, 2011

Our environment is an extension of our mind. When we change our mind, our life changes. ~ Dr. Joe Dispenza

Inspired Quote of the Day

Our environment is an extension of our mind. When we change our mind, our life changes. ~ Dr. Joe Dispenza

Today's Brilliance

Dr. Joe Dispenza

Dr. Joe Dispenza

Dr. Joe is a doctor of chiropractic and one of the experts from What the Bleep Do We Know.

If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...

I truly believe that every person is a divine creator, that there's a power within each of us that is common to every human being...and we're all connected to it. This refined mindful energy is conscious enough to support, maintain, protect, and heal us every moment. It keeps our heart beating hundreds of thousands of times per day, creates over 60 million cells every minute and organizes hundreds of thousands of chemical reactions in one cell every second. It is also the same intelligence that keeps the planets rotating around the sun, creates supernovas in distant galaxies, and loves the lily into bloom.

When we take the time to develop a relationship with this mind, when we use it to create desired events in our future, and finally, when we express this power, love, and intelligence through us; we become more like it...we become divine.

In 1986 I had the privilege of getting run over by a truck in a triathlon. When I received the diagnosis that I broke six ...

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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Everyone has a special talent. Discover yours, and then share it with the world. ~ Adryenn Ashley

Inspired Quote of the Day

Everyone has a special talent. Discover yours, and then share it with the world. ~ Adryenn Ashley

Today's Brilliance

Adryenn Ashley

Adryenn Ashley

Adryenn is the founder of Wow! Is Me and the creator of the Monetizing Your Passion Boot Camp.

If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...

It's true we live in a time of questionable economic stability, nobody knows where to step or what's coming next. It's also true that without balance, timing, and know-how, surfing is impossible. Realizing that navigating the waves of flux in the economy is as simple as reading the landscape, balancing on an unsteady platform, and timing your market are they keys to success.

More millionaires were made during the great depression than during any other time in history. We stand at the forefront of a tremendous opportunity to top that record. But everywhere I look I see opportunities that go untaken by people who are frozen in fear. The antidote to the fear is acceptance, knowledge, and focus.

Accept what you cannot change, and work around immovable objects. You waste time and energy by pushing back. When I lived in the country there were no appropriate schools for my gifted child. I could have tried to work around the programs offered or commute to a privat...

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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Don't let weeds grow around your dreams. ~ Noelle Vrana

Inspired Quote of the Day

Don't let weeds grow around your dreams. ~ Noelle Vrana

Today's Brilliance

Noelle Vrana

Noelle Vrana

Noelle is the founder of Speedsters, the youth branch of the breast cancer charity The 1in8 Foundation.

If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...

Even though I am still young, and the future holds so many lessons left for me in my life, as of this moment, I have learned what you make of life is what you get out of it. There are no limits, only obstacles, which you can't overcome with determination and by presenting a positive outlook. I know the task of overcoming challenges in front of you can seem unattainable at that moment but with creativity and commitment it is easy to surprise and surpass you predicted abilities.

Everything in the world revolves around all forms of life. In helping every form of life, we create an atmosphere of continuous positive outcomes and provide stable environments. Everything in life is a complete chain and it is best we help fix the chain when it becomes broken. I have tried my best to support and nurture things that I believe in whether it is helping children with Autism, animal rescue or women with breast cancer. If I can create a happy moment in any living thing, then I believe that...

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