The #1 predictor of the quality of your relationships with others IS the relationship you have with yourself. ~ Dr. Brian Alman

Dr. Brian Alman
Dr. Brian Alman is a leading authority on mental fitness and the author of The Voice: Overcome Negative Self-Talk and Discover Your Inner Wisdom.
If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...
100% for sure, relationships are the most important thing! I have learned this from thousands people who have had less than a day to live.
The #1 predictor of the quality of your relationships with others IS the relationship you have with yourself. When you need a helping hand, look at the end of your wrist.
If you love how-to's, methods, and techniques that can be individualize to fit you, as much as I do, know this.
To be total, 100%, whole, unconditional, authentic and free in your relationships, you must be:
- Real with yourself about how you FEEL;
- Real with yourself about what you THINK;
- Real with others and yourself about what your intuition and soul knows.
People struggling with relationships with others or themselves often have a huge expectation of perfection about others or themselves, about how they should be, how they should act, even how they should look.
Then when they don't do their best ...
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