We all have greatness within us that is waiting for us to believe. Once we believe, the foundation is in place for our greatness to take a foothold and grow. ~ Deidre Hughey

Deidre Hughey
Deidre is a nationally recognized speaker and the author of the book I Am Bound and Determined: The Must Read Guide for Women of Childhood Abuse and T
If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...
As an adult, I made comfortable choices. And why shouldn't I? My childhood was a barrage of chores (I grew up on a farm) before the innocence of it all was stripped from me in the form of sexual child abuse. The roller coaster that followed looked something like: fear, self-doubt, self-blame, depression, self-loathing, self-abuse, suicidal, recovery, more self-doubt, drugs, fear...
Once I was able to control my life, my goal was to be comfortable at all costs. I made choices that made me feel good, satisfied, and relaxed. "After all," I thought to myself, "don't I deserve to be comfortable?"
The problem with comfort is how deceptive it is. Sure, on the surface, it looks like a good idea. Heck, it feels like a good idea. But in my never-ending efforts to make myself more comfortable, I had actually made myself unhappy and stuck. I was making absolutely no effort to move forward in my life.
Comfort lures you with promises of immedi...
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